Christopher Explores the Non-Profit World

christopher-tso-photoName: Christopher

Year: Senior

Major(s): Economics

Minor(s): History

CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture

Participating in CFS this quarter has been an overwhelmingly positive experience. From the beginning, the CFS staff has helped me look for different internship opportunities and supported me every step of the way. This quarter I interned for the nonprofit Honor Flight Chicago, which is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to providing veterans with honor and closure. As an intern, I have had a variety of different tasks. I have helped with the accounting aspect of the organization and worked on creating thank you letters to the donors. Through this internship, I have gained skills that will be important for my future jobs. In the small, tight knit environment of Honor Flight Chicago, I have been able to learn about the different aspects of how a nonprofit organization works and I am grateful to have helped with such a noble cause.
From my CFS class Field Studies in Business Culture, I have been able to learn about my classmates’ internship experiences and to reflect upon my own internship experiences as well. My class has allowed me to introspect on my internship experience through a different perspective and gave me the opportunity to think about what work I want to do in the future. As a senior, CFS has been an invaluable experience. I got to work with such a great organization and after this experience have felt more confident about the future.