Molly Continues Her Work at MPC

molly-clark-photoName: Molly

Year: Senior

Major(s): Social Policy

Minor(s): Business Institutions Program

CFS Program: Field Studies in Business Culture

My CFS experience has been especially rewarding in that it has allowed me to explore and gain hands-on exposure to urban planning and policy, an area of study that is not specifically offered in my major (Social Policy). As an intern at the Metropolitan Planning Council, I have had opportunities to travel around Chicago and become more familiar with its various neighborhoods and communities, meet leaders and associates at various nonprofit and government organizations in the city, and learn and contribute to projects at the front lines of social policy in Chicago. I started working at MPC in June for my SESP practicum, and by doing CFS, I have been able to get class credit so that I can continue working on the projects that I started over the summer.

My participation in CFS has opened doors and provided introductions to a world of industries and career opportunities that I never knew existed, and, in conjunction with the Business Culture seminar, has helped me to think critically about what I would like to do after graduation and why. The CFS seminar has been a great opportunity to talk to other students about their internship experiences, to reflect on my own experiences, and to take an academic approach to understanding issues within various professions. As a senior in the first phases of my job search, this is especially timely and valuable, and is significantly helping to ease my transition from school to work. I am so glad that I found CFS; this has been an incredible and invaluable professional learning experience that I would recommend to any student trying to find their way in the working world.