Carlee’s Internship Discoveries

Carlee Green

Name: Carlee

Year: Senior

Major: Communication Studies, English

CFS Concentration: Field Studies in Humanities

CFS has provided me with some of the most valuable experiences during my time at Northwestern. I have been able to gain experience in a field that I was not sure about as a career path. Having never worked in publishing or for a non-profit, my internship at Great Books Foundation allowed me to find out more about both. I have come to love publishing and hope to make a career out of it. My CFS advisor helped me to find an internship that I would enjoy, and she was really helpful in the search. She helped me to improve my resume, and she was able to put me in contact with various employers. I am so happy she recommended Great Books because I have been able to try out various aspects of publishing and editing. On my first day, I was given materials to copyedit, and I have been able to help with the creation of an edited manuscript. I have never been a part of a project like this before, and it would not have been possible without CFS.

The CFS class is a great complement to my internship. I am enrolled in the Chicago Field Studies in Humanities course. The class allows us to really delve into what it means to be in a modern work place, and it lets you explore other career paths vicariously through the other students in the class. I have learned so much about a variety of fields, just by listening to the experiences of my classmates. CFS allows you to have an internship experience unlike any other.