Cree on Week 6 of her Fall 2013 Internship

Name: Cree
Major: Political Science
CFS Program: Field Studies in Humanities

This quarter, I have decided to intern at Margie Korshak Inc. I am a fashion, hospitality, and restaurant public relations and marketing intern. My passion for the fashion and entertainment industry and desire to be exposed to marketing led me to choose this company over others in my search. I spend a lot of time on social media planning, working events, and creating graphic designs for the projects I am working on. Overall, my time here has been a great learning experience, but not all in the ways that I expected.

Most of my time is spent dealing with the marketing, social media, and public relations of clothing lines, restaurants, charities, and news networks. I work with my internship coordinator and create plans on how to best publicize a certain event or product. Though much of my internship happens within the office, I also have had many experiences outside in Chicago. I got to help execute a Breast Cancer awareness event where Diane Keaton spoke, went to networking events for all of the publicity professionals of Chicago, and sat in the studio audience for Windy City Live. The people at my company understand that internships are a learning experience, but also should be fun and active. I also got to work with a team of interns that were all similar in age as me. We learned together about how the organization worked, how certain people in the office functioned, and just about each others’ day-to-day lives.

This internship has gotten me excited for my future because not only did it teach me about the field that I may want to go into after I graduate, but also I feel like it has taught me how to adapt and have a great time with any kind of office culture and coworkers.