Daniel on Week 6 of his Fall 2013 Internship

Name: Daniel
Major: Industrial Engineering
CFS Program: Business Field Studies

My time at Blue Canyon Partners has been an enlightening one and the Chicago Field Studies program acts as a complement to my internship experience. On my first day at Blue Canyon, I had no clue what “consulting” was or how to navigate the professional world, especially one as formal and fast-paced as consulting. However, the CFS classes I took acted as a perfect forum to voice concerns, ask questions, and learn from others’ experiences.

Certain challenges I faced at Blue Canyon stemmed directly from a lack of communication. CFS classes taught me how to vent frustrations while still maintaining professionalism. More than that though, CFS classes have taught me networking skills, professional skills, and overall people skills. There were times when I would not know how to approach a situation during the course of my internship but Professor Butler taught the nuances of business life and what to observe and take note of. The CFS experience has been a rewarding one and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to learn about the corporate environment.