Spring 2020
CCSelebrate CCS came together to celebrate the end of the year with Kahoots and other fun games.

Facul-Tea Sendoff In the spirit of 230-Teas, CCS residents and faculty came together to celebrate the end of the school year with delicious tea and great conversation.
Winter 2020
Faculty Banquet CCSers dressed up and had a feast to honor the faculty fellows for their involvement in CCS throughout this year. This year’s theme was Disney’s Up.
Fall 2019
Argyle CCSers had a guided tour of Argyle and its history from fellow SonBinh Ngyuen before indulging in some delicious dim sum!
Pilsen For Día de los Muertos, CCS travelled with fellow Tasha Seago-Ramaly to the Mexican Museum of Art, and then ate at a Mexican restaurant.
RCB Formal The Residential College Board took students to the Chicago Sports Museum for a night of dancing, food, and fun.
Winter 2017

Faculty Banquet CCS members, faculty staff, and fellows dressed up and feasted together to thank the fellows for their service throughout the year at the annual Faculty Banquet. This year’s theme was L-Lines of Chicago.
Spring 2016
Camping CCSers spent the night at Camp Reinberg in Illinois in early May. Check out more pictures from this trip here.
Winter 2016
Faculty Banquet CCS members, faculty staff, and fellows dressed up and feasted together to thank the fellows for their service throughout the year. An incredibly creative theme of “Cinderella Around the World” coupled with a fantastic talent show made the night all the more amazing.
Spring 2015

Game Night with David Rapp Led by Master Rapp, CCS had an exciting game night! They played one of Master Rapp’s enormous collection of games.
Winter 2015

Trapped in a Room with a Zombie CCS participated in trapped in a room with a zombie during the Winter of 2015, and again in the Spring. The game is a group based room puzzle, in which the entire team attempts to solve a puzzle and escape a zombie. While CCS did not escape the zombie in the Winter, there are high hopes for the spring!

Dance Marathon CCS teamed up with Chapin to form a team to participate in Dance Marathon, and they made the most money in their category. Dance Marathon is an annual tradition at Northwestern in which students dance for 30 hours in order to raise money.
Fall 2014

Argyle Led by fellow Sonbinh Nguyen, CCS visited Argyle, Chicago’s traditional Vietnamese neighborhood, on our first trip of the year! We ate some delicious dim sum, a traditional Cantonese dish, learned about history of Argyle, and even visited some pastry shops!.
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Spring 2014

Latin Dance Fireside Led by our esteemed president, CCSers danced Latin style, learning both dances that required a partner and solo ones.

Spring Egg Hunt One Sunday, residents of CCS got together to find some Easter eggs hidden by a mysterious CCS Easter Bunny…and filled with delicious candy!

Pilsen Led by fellows Tasha and Reyes, CCSers visited Pilsen to view Chicano art, walk around the neighborhood, and of course, eat some yummy Mexican food!
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Spring 2013
RCB Field Day On RCB F

ield Day, residents from all of the residential colleges get together to socialize with faculty and compete in games like human foosball and Master’s Mile, in which we race to push masters and assistant masters around the lake fill in shopping carts.
Bonfire CCS had a bonfire on the lakefill during Spring quarter, pulled an all-nighter, and watched the sunrise over the lake.
Talking Farm CCS won a Fulbright grant and applied it toward building row covers at the Talking Farm, an urban farm in Skokie. The day of hard work in the fields and funds from Fulbright allowed the Talking Farm to extend their growing season through late December.
Winter 2013
Master’s Banquet CCS throws its own formal every year, completely put together by students. Master staff and fellows accompanied students in the CCS lounge, decked out to the theme theme “Fly me to the Moon,” for performances and catered and home-cooked food.
Ice Skating Nothing beats ice-skating at night in the heart of Chicago. CCSer’s make the trip at least once a year to Millenium Park in the winter to show one of the cities fantastic traditions to the new members.
Fall 2013
Pilsen To honor el Día de los Muertos, Tasha Seago-Ramaly and Reyes Moran Fuertes showed us around Pilsen. We ate at Nuevo Leon, toured the Museo Mexicano, and explored the neighborhood.
Dim Sum The ever-charistmatic SonBinh Nguyen taught CCSers about the cultural aspects of Dim Sum in a trip to Argyle. This classic CCS event always includes a challenge by SonBinh to finish the entirety of the huge feast he orders for us.
Spring 2012
Camping CCS goes camping in the spring and fall quarters. In Spring 2012, we went to Starved Rock State Park in Illinois.
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Winter 2012
Master’s Banquet The theme of Master’s Banquet 2012 was Casino Royale.
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Signature Room CCSers went with Residential College Board to the Signature Room in the John Hancock Tower.
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Fall 2011
Bonfire During Wildcat Welcome, CCS had a bonfire on the lakefill.

Camping CCS goes camping in the spring and fall quarters. In Fall 2011, we went to Turkey Run Campground in Indiana.
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Dim Sum CCSers joined fellow SonBinh Nguyen to eat dim sum in Argyle.
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Homecoming CCS walked in the 2011 Homecoming Parade. The theme for 2011 was Purple Reign.
Pilsen For Día de los Muertos, CCSers went with fellows Tasha Seago-Ramaly and Reyes Moran Fuertes to Pilsen, the heart of Chicago’s Mexican-American community. We ate at Nuevo Leon, toured the Museo Mexicano, and explored the neighborhood.
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Project Pumpkin Trick-or-treating is illegal in Evanston, so Northwestern students hold an event called Project Pumpkin as a replacement. Dozens of NU organizations have booths with various activities for local children. CCS set up a bean bag toss.
Secret Satan As one of CCS’s traditions, residents celebrate Halloween by switching clothes and going to forum as somebody else in the dorm.
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Zoolights CCSers went to Lincoln Park Zoo in December to see the Christmas lights that adorned the zoo.
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