2023 Arlyn Miner Moot Court

The Communication and Legal Reasoning Program at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law cordially invites you to participate as a judge of oral arguments in the 2023 Arlyn Miner Moot Court.

This year’s rounds are scheduled for:

Monday, April 3
Tuesday, April 4
Wednesday, April 5
Monday, April 10
Wednesday, April 12
Thursday, April 13

Oral arguments will begin each evening at 6:30pm. Afterwards there will be a networking reception for judges and students to interact with one another beginning at 7:30pm in Lowden Hall. Complimentary parking is available in the Abbott Hall parking lot for judges.

For Illinois attorneys, 1-2 General Credits of CLE are available (the exact amount depends on the number of judges on your panel).

Please RSVP here.  You may sign up for one or multiple dates. If you are unable to join us this year, we hope that you will pass this invitation to any colleagues or associates who may enjoy this event.

The Arlyn Miner Moot Court is a vital part of the first year experience. The non-competitive event provides an invaluable opportunity for students to present oral arguments before practicing lawyers serving as judges and to see the connection between their law school coursework and the world of practice.

If you have any questions, please contact shona-bonds@law.northwestern.edu

Northwestern Pritzker School of Law Resume Collect Program



Employers who are unable to attend the Summer Interview Program at Northwestern Pritzker Law are invited to participate in our Resume Collect program. There is no cost for participating.


  • Log-in to Northwestern Pritzker Law’s Symplicity system
  • Click the [Resume Request] – [Job Postings] tab
  • Click the “Post a Job” button and complete the form.