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About Us

The APIDA Staff Affinity Group (ASAG) is an affinity space centers Northwestern staff members who self-identify as part of the APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) community –which is inclusive of, but not limited to, East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, and Pacific Islander diasporic identities, as well as multiracial and multiethnic APIDA identities. While this space is designed to support and uplift APIDA staff, all who wish to engage in community-building are welcome to participate. ASAG was formed in January 2018 as a way to support APIDA staff members on campus and start a conversation about APIDA representation within institutional diversity initiatives. Our goals are:

  • to build a sense of community and belonging
  • to support institutional initiatives by ensuring APIDA perspectives are represented
  • to provide personal and professional development opportunities

We do this through community gatherings and discussions, cultural outings, and sharing resources and opportunities.