Member Resources

Constitution and Bylaws

What is the basis for everything CCS does? Find the CCS Constitution and Bylaws here.


How do housing points work? How many do you have? How many can you get? Find out here.


Missed forum and wondering what happened? Check out the minutes here.


Find out everything that’s going on in CCS using our our calendar.

Listserv information

Important information is communicated to the whole dorm over the listserv. The secretary should add you to the listserv at the beginning of the year.

To subscribe: Send an email to with the subject line blank. In the body, put “SUBSCRIBE ccsnet First Last,” where “First” and “Last” are your first and last name respectively. If you have any problems with this or just do not want to try doing it yourself, email the secretary.

See the NUIT listserv page for more details, including how to unsubscribe.

Living in CCS

Residents and non-residents earn points in order to be eligible to live in CCS the following year. To return to CCS, residents must earn a certain number of points (half of the points for all forums and firesides) in spring through winter quarter. Residents who were not at Northwestern the previous spring receive a handicap.

The points cut-off for non-residents is half of the points cut-off for residents.

Residents of other res colleges may transfer their housing eligibility to CCS by contacting the Presidents of both dorms before Friday of reading week in winter quarter.

Order for choosing rooms is determined by points and priority. To earn priority, you must attend one fireside, two community service events, and one fellow’s event.

Getting Mail

Mail goes through the Sargent mailroom. Ask people to address your mail to:

Your Name
2303 Sheridan Rd #ROOM NUMBER
Evanston, IL 60201