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Tag: Center for Awareness Response and Education (CARE)

The Week Ahead (February 10-16)

Sparkle at NU: “W.A.R., Because it’s Necessary  Monday, February 10 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM    Fisk Hall, 217, 1845 Sheridan Road  For Black History Month, recording artist and anti-sexual violence activist Sparkle will visit Northwestern to speak about her experiences coming forward about R. Kelly’s history of sexual abuse. Sparkle bravely testified against R. Kelly during

The Week Ahead (January 20-26)

Eva Jefferson Day  Monday, January 20 from 9:00 AM–3:00 PM Evanston students from Family Focus will come to Northwestern to enjoy a full day of arts, crafts and discussion about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.    Norris Mini Courses Begin  Tuesday, January 21  Norris University Center, 1999 Campus Drive  It’s not too late

Staff Spotlight: Saed Hill

Name: Saed Hill Title: Assistant Director of Prevention & Men’s Engagement Department: Center for Awareness, Response & Education (CARE) Where are you from? Queens, NY How many years have you worked in Student Affairs at Northwestern? 1 year What brought you to Student Affairs?  College was very transformative for me. Because of my cultural upbringing, I often

The Week Ahead April 29-May 5

 ASG-Mandated CARE Training for Student Leaders  Tuesday, April 30 from 5:00- 6:00 PM  Seabury Hall 250  In this hour–long training, student leaders will learn how to dismantle rape culture on-campus, develop strategies to support survivors, and facilitate conversations on these issues. In order to receive funding from Associated Student Government (ASG), all student groups must have

Building on Progress: Queer and Trans* Empowerment Month

Queer and Trans* Empowerment Month, celebrated each October, honors the triumphs that have been made in the LGBTQ+ movement. This year, Northwestern’s theme for the month is Building on Progress, to commemorate recent victories like the Supreme Court decision supporting marriage equality and focus on the work that still needs to be done.

To celebrate, Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) is hosting events that will focus on pride, liberation, diversity, and the wellness of LGBTQ+ communities. Above all, MSA will create more critical conversations about identity on campus during this month.

Take Back the Night Encourages Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention

With April being National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Northwestern University organizations have collaborated on events focused on raising awareness on sexual violence.

This week, the Take Back the Night March will take place in an effort to give a voice to the issue of sexual violence. This annual event, which starts as a rally, march, and then speak out, will begin at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 23 at the Rock.

Creating a Culture of Caring: It’s On Us

Less than four years ago, the Center for Awareness, Response, and Education (CARE) did not exist. Each year since its creation, CARE has grown and found new ways to better serve students who have experienced sexual violence.

This year is no different.

CARE, now an integrated part of the Northwestern community, was created with funds the university received in 2011. The funds came from a three-year grant that the university received from the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence against Women.