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Category: Wellness

Protect Yourself with a Flu Shot

With temperatures dropping and the quarter system moving fast, there is a high chance of catching the flu. Living and working together in close quarters on Northwestern campus increases the spread of influenza. Even a generally healthy person could get sick from the flu, which could result in missed classes or work days. Seasonal flu vaccines are highly

Meet Hammered Hamlin!

Hi, everyone!!! My name is Hammered Hamlin, and I’m super excited to meet you all! I love reading books, taking long walks on the Lakefill, and telling my friends about my life. One of my absolute favorite things to talk about is — can you keep a secret? —  my crush, Smart Dillo. Something about them is special, you know? They’re so caring and sweet, and whenever I see them around campus, they’re always helping people out. It doesn’t hurt that they’re really cute too.

Meet Dehydrated Davis!

Hey whassup, my name is Dehydrated Davis! I like Northwestern a lot: for the academics, the sports, and the friends — but especially for the lit parties. If you don’t know me, you probably haven’t been to many parties, because I’m at all of them and I liven things up at every single one. Show me the heaviest drinker you know, and I’ll show you someone who can outlast them by at least five shots: me (duh).

Prioritize Wellness with ResilientNU

It’s been almost two years since Neha Basti, a Weinberg junior, worked with a friend to write an op-ed in The Daily Northwestern deconstructing Northwestern’s culture of perfectionism. They proposed a project that would give students space to work through their individual issues through honest conversations with each other. Today, that idea has come to fruition as ResilientNU.   

Celebrate Black History Month with MSA

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate and learn about black culture. Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) has organized a wide variety of fun events to encourage students to celebrate blackness and the whole self throughout the coming month. Harambee, an annual Northwestern tradition, will kick off the month with a mixture of performances,

Combat Test Anxiety with ‘Breathe’

This installment of “Breathe” exercises tackles pre-exam jitters. While everyone has different methods of combating academic stress, CAPS identified some universal techniques backed by research that anyone can use.

Protect Yourself with an Annual Flu Shot

Last year, Health Services gave out a record number of 3838 flu vaccinations. This year, they are again offering vaccinations to students on an appointment basis. A quick trip to 633 Emerson St. can prevent losing days, or even weeks, of school and work.

A Comprehensive Guide to Free Food During Finals Week

I think we can all agree on the universal truth that exams are The Worst. The good news is that only one more round of exams stands between you and summer break. You can do this!

If you’re feeling a bit low on motivation to get through your final finals, don’t sweat it. Norris has your back with a week of stress-reducing Exam Relief activities.