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Category: Learning

Shepard Exhibit Highlights Northwestern’s Activist Voices and Encourages Students to Use Theirs

Fifty years ago, Northwestern students peacefully occupied the Bursar’s Office to protest the black student experience. A month ago, hundreds of Northwestern students participated in a national walkout to support Parkland shooting victims and advocate for gun reform. Protest is an integral part of Northwestern history, and student activism lies deep in Wildcat tradition. On Monday night, Residential Services, University Archives, and the faculty and staff leaders of the South Area teamed up to transform the top floor of Shepard Hall’s Engagement Center into an inspirational gallery of campus activism.

Mini Courses, Big Lessons

One of the best things about Northwestern is the wide variety of courses available for students. But if you’ve been itching to learn about something not strictly academic – like, say, mixology or acupressure massage – it might be a bit tricky to find a class on Caesar that fits the bill. Cue Norris Mini Courses. Most courses meet once a week for six weeks and cover a wide range of topics, everything from stage makeup and knitting to belly dancing and Cherokee language. And as a bonus – since you don’t have to worry about them affecting your GPA, you can take a Mini Course purely for the fun of learning something new.

Take Time to Breathe this Quarter

Life comes with a lot of ups and downs, and sometimes, it’s more than one person can handle alone. While regular therapy sessions may not be right for everyone, students can use Breathe, an online program offered through Counseling and Psychological Services, to learn healthy ways of coping with the general stress and anxiety of college life.

SIGP Makes Internship Opportunities Financially Accessible

Last year, School of Communications junior Shannon Campbell had every college student’s dream summer. She jetted off to the Czech Republic where she had a prestigious internship in her desired field. Campbell spend two and a half months learning the ropes at the Prague Shakespeare Company. The only problem? The internship was unpaid.

So when she heard about Northwestern Career Advancement (NCA)’s Summer Internship Grant Program (SIGP), “I had a lightbulb moment,” Campbell said. “I was like, ‘Okay, I want to do that.’”

Advocacy Corps Teaches Students to Enact Social Change

I’ve identified as a feminist since fifth grade, when I was denied the ability to play football on account of my gender. But after the 2016 American Presidential Election, I felt compelled to become more directly engaged in advocacy work. I enrolled in the Advocacy Corps, a two-quarter long program offered through Leadership Development & Community Engagement at Northwestern that teaches undergraduate students advocacy skills to better enable them to make positive social change in their communities.

The Norris Guide to Stress Relief

Wildcats’ least favorite week of the year is creeping its way into our busy schedules. Maybe you’re already stressed out thinking about the exams, papers, and presentations that are coming. No need to freak out, though. By making an efficient timetable, getting enough sleep, and enjoying the stress relief opportunities at Norris, the week will pass by without a major breakdown.

See the (In)Visible Men at Dittmar Gallery

Artist Ricardo Lewis has spent the last five years creating art that challenges viewers to connect with black men by looking them in the eye. Until March 22, his series of paintings entitled (In)Visible Men will be on display in Dittmar Gallery.

Learn to #LoveYourSelfie During Body Acceptance Week

When you’re wrapped up in stress and social media, it can be easy to slip into a negative mindset and start comparing yourself to others. Whether this manifests as poor body image, an eating disorder, or you just need a little boost of self-confidence, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) is here to inject a little positivity, support, and self-love into your week with Body Acceptance Week, February 19 – 23.

Commemorating a Historic Event During Black History Month

February is National Black History Month, a time to celebrate the black community while also recognizing the unique difficulties experienced by black Americans. This year, Black History Month holds even more significance for Northwestern as it is the 50th anniversary of the takeover of the Bursar’s office by the black student union.