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Staff Spotlight: Christina A Smith

Name: Christina A Smith

Title: Administrative Assistant

Department: Student Enrichment Services

Where are you from? South Side of Chicago

What brought you to Student Affairs?
I was a NASPA Undergraduate Fellow (NUFP) during undergrad. I joined this program because all the people who had a significant impact on my identity development worked in Student Affairs and that made me want to join this field and do similar work.

How many years have you worked in Student Affairs at Northwestern? 3

What’s your favorite part about working in Student Affairs?
The staff! I have met so many cool people who are doing great things at Northwestern but also have some interesting passions.

What inspires you?
Malcolm X, Queen Latifah, my mom, and all the First Generation College Students in the United States who are treading paths no one in their families have gone before.

What can’t you live without?
Supernatural (the TV show), donuts, my daily Bible readings, my three brothers, my mom, chapstick, and the ability to wash my hands whenever I need too.

How do you like to spend your free time?
I enjoy watching the 30+ tv shows I follow, discovering new tv shows, talking about tv shows, watching movies and reading books.

Each week a different staff member in the division of Student Affairs will be featured. Staff can opt in to be featured, by filling out the Staff Spotlight Submission form. Student Affairs Marketing staff reach out to staff from across the division asking for participation. The spotlights will be featured in the Student Affairs Snapshot e-newsletter.

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