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Get Mental Health Answers with New Online Screenings

Mental health is increasingly being recognized as a crucial component of overall wellness. Seeking help, though, can take up significant time and resources. In a high-stress environment like Northwestern’s campus, how can time-pressured students make sure they are able to get the help and answers they need?

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) already provides a wealth of resources to Northwestern students, including 15-20 minute initial phone consultations that can be scheduled via phone at (847) 491-2151 or online at However, an even quicker and easier option is now available for students. In collaboration with Screening for Mental Health, CAPS is now offering online mental health screenings designed to quickly provide students with results, recommendations, and resources.

While these screenings are meant to be educational and not diagnostic, they provide valuable insights about possible symptoms of depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar DIsorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and substance abuse. At the end of a brief 5-minute questionnaire, students are provided with customized advice suggesting resources that may be of use to them. To take a screening, visit

By providing a fast, confidential, anonymous way for students to get information and answers to mental health questions, these mental health screenings are intended to be a step in the right direction towards a more robust culture of mental health on Northwestern’s campus.