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2017 Dillo Day Guide to Res. Hall Guests

It’s almost time for the highlight of spring quarter – Dillo weekend. You’ve invited your best pal from back home to come visit and enjoy the music and fun with you. But wait…what do you need to do to make sure they have a happy and healthy stay in your res hall room? Don’t worry, we’ve put together a handy guide of all the necessary steps below.

If you want to host a guest during Dillo…

  1. Check with your roommates – are they okay with you hosting a guest for the weekend?

  2. Register your ONE guest for Friday, May 19 – Sunday May 21 using the form sent out by your Residence Director (check your e-mail).

    • The form closes on Friday, May 19 at 9:00 a.m.

    • Make sure you have your guest’s emergency contact information readily available.

  3. Pick up your wristbands at your neighborhood desk beginning Friday, May 19 at 10:00 a.m. (you need them in order to enter your res hall).

    • These wristbands are DIFFERENT from the wristband your guest needs to get onto the Lakefill during Dillo!

    • Your guest must be present with a valid photo ID in order to pick up the wristband.

  4. If Saturday, May 20 comes and you still haven’t picked up your wristbands, get them from the RAs at the main door of your building.

  5. Stay safe and have fun! Click here for more information, and reach out to your RDs if you have any questions.

Reminder of important policies in place throughout the academic year:

  • All guests must have a valid picture ID to enter the building.

  • Guests must be escorted by their host at all times. Guests will not be permitted to sign into the building without their host being present.

  • Guests are responsible for following all rules and regulations of Northwestern University. If a guest violates a policy, the host resident is also responsible for the policy violation.

  • Residents or guests under the age of 21 are not permitted to be in rooms where alcohol is present.

  • Residents are not permitted to host an event in their room that exceeds double the occupancy of the sleeping quarters or becomes public.

Please review the Student Handbook and adhere to the State of Illinois “Social Host Law” which applies both on and off campus. Have a great Dillo Day!