Astronomy Questions

Draw a sketch of the relation between the Sun, Earth, and Moon. How do they move and how on what timescale?

Drawing types: 137/149 (92%)
[Earth around Sun; Moon near/around Earth] 83 60%
[Same, correct in text] 71 44%
[Sun, Moon around Earth] 18 13%
[Earth, Moon in different orbits around Sun] 14 10%
[Unclassifiable] 23 17%
Text Types:
Correct Year 61 84%
Incorrect Year 12 16%
Correct Month 18 47%
Incorrect Month 20 53%
Incorrect Day 12

15 students gave the period of the Moon’s orbit as 24 hrs. (Some questions had multiple answers)

Example answers: [Drawings described in brackets]

  • [Earth around Sun; Moon beside Earth] The Earth circles the Sun. It takes 365 days to go around once. The Earth moves with the Moon
  • [Earth around Sun; Moon around Earth] Moon – 1 day 24 hours completes full circle 360 days complete full circle of Earth around Sun
  • [Earth around Sun, Moon beside Earth] The Earth revolves around the Sun every 24 hours.
  • [Earth around Sun; Moon around Earth] From what I remember, the Earth revolves around the Sun as well as the Moon so when the Sun is directly opposite the Moon it is day and vice versa it is night.
  • [Earth in orbit around Sun; Moon in orbit further out] Earth revolves around the Sun Moon revolves around the Earth
  • [Large Sun, small Earth, smaller Moon near Earth opposite Sun] The Earth rotates around the Sun (1 rotation = 365 days) as it rotates it is spinning (1 spin = 1 day) and the Moon rotates around the Earth

Examples of geocentric solar systems

Examples of heliocentric solar systems

The text shows that this student still doesn’t quite “get it”

What causes the seasons?

Answers: 142 (95%)
Distance from Sun 33 23%
Revolving around Sun 37 26%
Rotation of Earth 15 11%
Revolution of Sun around Earth 11 8%
Air masses/Climate 11 8%
Tilt of the Earth’s axis 15 11%
Tilt of axis & Sunlight 9 6%
Misc 11 8%

Example answers:

  • Distance from the Earth to the Sun. Closer to the Sun = Summer; Farther from the Sun = Winter
  • Seasons are caused by the different distance from the Earth to the Sun.
  • The seasons are caused by the Earth’s revolution around the Sun
  • The Earth’s position to the Sun. The sections facing the Sun will be warmer as opposed to the sections away from the Sun being colder.
  • The seasons are caused by the current position of the Earth in relation to that of the Sun. For instance, when the Sun is focused on one side of the Earth, it will obviously be warmer that that the opposite side which isn’t getting as much heat from the Sun.

How does the Sun generate its energy?

Answers: 97 (65%)
From the Earth 11 11%
By interior processes 5 5%
Because it is a gas 17 18%
Chemical Reaction 31 32%
Fusion (Correct) 9 9%
Nuclear processes 9 9%
Misc 15 16%

How does the Sun warm the Earth?

Answers: 101 (68%)
Motion 7 7%
UV Rays 10 10%
Sun Rays 34 34%
Radiation of heat 15 15%
“Heat Waves” 21 21%
Greenhouse effect 8 8%
Misc 6 6%

Example answers:

  • The Sun stores its energy on the Earth.
  • The Sun generates it’s energy from global warming gasses that are in the atmosphere. The excess amount of global warming gasses such as CO2, O2, etc. are used to heat the Earth.
  • [The Sun] generates energy from the gasses it contains, and its so hot the heat travels through the air to warm the world.
  • Chemical reactions on the Sun’s surface cause great explosions sending heat waves throughout the universe.

What are the major differences between planets Earth and Jupiter?

Life 55
Composition 19
Atmosphere 29
Other 28
Size: 142
Correct 102 65%
Incorrect 28 14%
Can’t tell 12 28%
Temperature: 54
Correct 35 65%
Incorrect 6 11%
Can’t tell 13 24%
Location: 37
Correct 27 73%
Incorrect 2 5%
Can’t tell 8 22%

(5 Locations had logical contradictions; some responses had multiple answers)

Example answers:

  • Earth can sustain our type of life-form – Jupiter cannot. They are positioned differently to the Sun and therefore gather different spectrums of light intensity and wavelength.
  • Jupiter is significantly larger than Earth. Jupiter has more Moons and dangerous gasses; the most prominent source of dangerous gases being the infamous Red Spot.
  • Earth is able to be lived on and [is] closer to the Sun which allows us to live in. Jupiter is further away which makes it colder to live on and harder.
  • Earth is closer to the Sun than Jupiter, so it is warmer, and has developed into molten rock. Jupiter is mainly composed of gas.
  • Earth is a planet where there is oxygen and other elements. Jupiter is cold, far more distance from the Earth. [Has drawing of Earth, Moon orbiting Sun on #1]
  • Earth is what the Sun and Moon travel around, it’s huge. Jupiter is a planet that belongs to the Earth.
  • Jupiter has rings, is cold – closer to Moon.

What causes the differences between the Earth and Jupiter?

Location 25
Atmosphere 5
Misc 10


This test was designed by John DeLaughter and Seth Stein