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August 2023 NUSAC Member Spotlight

Our August 2023 NUSAC Member Spotlight is Samuel Okun-Perlin, Financial Administrator at The Graduate School


Name: Samuel Okun-Perlin
Title: Financial Administrator
Unit and School/College: Graduate Student Funding, The Graduate School
Years at Northwestern University: 6
Years on NUSAC Council:  2

Why did you join NUSAC?  I have always believed that it is important to have a voice at the table. I joined NUSAC to advocate for my colleagues across Northwestern, at all campuses, and to support the link between staff and senior leadership. Staff culture can feel very siloed and joining NUSAC has allowed me to build a community with peers I would probably have never met otherwise.

What is the most important thing your NU staff colleagues should know about NUSAC?  NUSAC is made up of staff volunteers who work tirelessly to build community among and bring forth change to campus administrators. With that said, we are only as successful as you allow us to be: Get involved! Share your concerns! Together we can really make a difference.

What issue are you most passionate about related to improving the NU experience for staff?  Staff recognition and fair compensation are vital aspects to the success of the University. No department or School can succeed without their front-line, boots-on-the-ground staff, and it should be a top priority to address the concerns of this population to increase retention and promote growth within their units.

What do you most enjoy about your work at Northwestern? The people I work with and the community I have built. Northwestern offers a variety of opportunities to get involved and reach beyond the confines of your job. In joining a number of councils and committees here, I have met peers who have become friends, and better understood the world of higher education outside my career bubble.

What is a little-known fun fact about you?  I have been performing on stage since I was three years old and received my bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts. As time goes on, I find myself more interested in writing for the stage, but also recently developed a passion for stand-up comedy. Nothing more thrilling (and nerve-racking) than performing your own material and hoping the audience laughs!



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