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April 2023 NUSAC Member Spotlight

Our April 2023 NUSAC Member Spotlight is Kristine Casman, Associate Department Administrator, Department of Ophthalmology at the Feinberg School of Medicine

Name: Kristine Casman
Title:  Associate Department Administrator
Unit and School/College: Department of Ophthalmology, Feinberg School of Medicine
Years at Northwestern University: 8.5 years
Years on NUSAC Council: 2.5 years

Why did you join NUSAC? During my first few years at Northwestern, I served on the Association of Northwestern University Women (ANUW) executive board and I was impressed with the community building power of ANUW (and similar affinity/resource groups). The cross-campus collaboration broke down information silos, provided support outside of hierarchical structures, and most importantly, met the unique needs of their members. I feel like NUSAC has a similar mission, but on much a grander scale… Staff have unique needs and I wanted to be part of advocating for those needs to be met.

What is the most important thing your NU staff colleagues should know about NUSAC?  We want to hear from you! NUSAC initiatives are driven by what we hear “on the ground” in our units and schools. We serve to amplify the voice of staff and drive change, so reach out and let us know what’s on your mind!

What issue are you most passionate about related to improving the NU experience for staff? I am passionate about staff engagement and its link to job satisfaction. Northwestern is a large institution that has a multitude of benefits, resource groups, and professional development opportunities available to staff. I’m involved with NUSAC because I want these offerings to continue grow and meet the evolving needs of our staff members.

What do you most enjoy about your work at Northwestern? As staff in higher education, we tend to be the unseen force that makes everything happen; and for me there is nothing better than witnessing someone achieve their goal or deliver on their mission, all while knowing you played a hand in making it come to fruition.

What is a little-known fun fact about you?  I studied Elementary Education in college, however, I never stepped foot in a formal classroom after graduation. My degree brought me to Chicago back in 2010, where my first job was at the Museum of Science and Industry! After a short stent at MSI, I spent the next 4 years coordinating camp and youth programs at the Lincoln Park Zoo.


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