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Project Muse Latin American Ebooks Collection

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to 655 Latin American ebooks via the Project Muse platform.   Access by title via NUsearch or through Project Muse.

A list of title is available here: Project Muse Latin American Ebooks Collection 2024

This curated Northwestern-specific collection focuses on those books published within the fields of History, Social Sciences, and Arts/Literature within the last 10 years (2014-present), from Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Mexico – countries which touch on the greatest cross-section of faculty interests in both Andean Studies, the Southern Cone, and Mexican Studies.

Academic e-books from Latin America have rarely been available for purchase until now; this collection was developed in consultation with the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials Electronic Resources Subcommittee, co-chaired by Jill Baron, Latin American Studies Librarian at Dartmouth Libraries, and Socrates Silva Reyes, Latin American Studies Librarian at Cornell University.

The Oxford Handbook of Media and Social Justice

The Oxford Handbook of Media and Social Justice

This handbook represents the collective wisdom of more than 40 leading voices across positionalities and perspectives, geographies and generations, meta-theories and methods, and issues and identities. Each of the 32 chapters presents a state-of-the-art systematic overview of a brief history, key concepts, contemporary debates and dialogues, and future directions. – Publisher

ProQuest History Vault: Labor Priests: Progressive Politics and the Catholic Church, John A. Ryan Papers, 1892-1945

Labor Priests: Progressive Politics and the Catholic Church, John A. Ryan Papers, 1892-1945

The Francis J. Haas Collection documents Haas’s lifelong dedication to the Catholic Church and workers’ welfare. The collection includes materials from his family, his time as a seminary student in the early 1900s, and his role as an educator and cleric from the 1920s until his death in 1953. The materials focus most heavily, however, on his role as a public servant in New Deal agencies and as a labor arbitrator in the 1930s and 1940s. The collection includes materials on Haas’s positions in New Deal agencies, as a labor arbitrator, his role as chair of Fair Employment Practices Committee and his contributions to academia and religious studies at The Catholic University of America. – Publisher

CFC Intersections

CFC Intersections

CFC Intersections is an exciting new companion journal which builds on the success of highly regarded Contemporary French Civilization (CFC). CFC Intersections aims to provide a new publishing outlet for scholarship related to intersectionality and the broader associated notion of intersections in French and Francophone studies.

The journal’s interests focus on intersectionality and how it has come to inform the lives of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour), the working class, LGBTQ communities, people with disabilities, and those in other marginalised and minoritised groups, including among others Africana and Black studies, anthropology, cultural studies as well as gender, sexuality and queer studies, literary studies, sociology, and social work. – Publisher



The Science Teacher

The Science Teacher

The Science Teacher is an award-winning, peer-reviewed, practitioners’ journal for grade 9-12 teachers, university faculty responsible for teacher preparation, and state and district science supervisors and leaders. We seek manuscripts that detail innovative, classroom-tested high school science activities and strategies that demonstrate current research regarding the teaching and learning of science as in the Framework for K–12 Science Education as well as manuscripts that focus on specific science teaching strategies, e.g. social justice, equity, etc. – Publisher

Race Against Empire: Black Americans and Anticolonialism, 1937–1957

Race Against Empire: Black Americans and Anticolonialism, 1937–1957

Race against Empire tells the poignant story of a popular movement and its precipitate decline with the onset of the Cold War. Von Eschen documents the efforts of African-American political leaders, intellectuals, and journalists who forcefully promoted anti-colonial politics and critiqued U.S. foreign policy. The eclipse of anti-colonial politics—which Von Eschen traces through African-American responses to the early Cold War, U.S. government prosecution of black American anti-colonial activists, and State Department initiatives in Africa—marked a change in the very meaning of race and racism in America from historical and international issues to psychological and domestic ones. – Publisher

Global Census Archive (Russia, Soviet Union, Israel, Palestine, Colombia, Mexico)

Global Census Archive (Russia, Soviet Union, Israel, Palestine, Colombia, Mexico)

The Global Census Archive (GCA) is an innovative program to collect official census publications and related materials from around the world. East View’s Global Census Archive contains all available census publications associated with a given census (GCA-PUBS), such as official results, questionnaires, methodological works, public campaign literature, and other census ephemera, as well as an East View-produced census catalog to provide historical context and serve as a finding aid. Northwestern University has access to: Colombia 1905-2018; Israel 1948-1983; Mexico 1895-2020; Palestine 1922-2007; Russia 1897-2010; USSR 1939-1989.

Communication and Race

Communication and Race

Communication and Race is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. It publishes original scholarship on the centrality of race, racism, and colonialism to the praxis of communication. The journal contributes in distinct ways to the field of communication by building on the theories and epistemologies of Black, Ethnic, Latinx, Indigenous, and Asian studies scholars. Communication and Race calls for interdisciplinary scholarship that welcomes a variety of methods in the field, including but not limited to, rhetorical, interpretative, (auto)ethnographic, social-scientific, historical, humanistic, narrative, statistical, poetic, and political-economic. – Publisher

The Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition, Second Edition

The Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition, Second Edition

This second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition is an all-new update and extension of the historic 2013 first edition. Like the first, it contains over forty chapters encompassing social cognition’s history and methods, primary approaches and theories, and applications across social psychology and other social sciences, all written by luminaries in the field. – Publisher

Choya Shinbun / 朝野新聞

Choya Shinbun Digital Archive

Choya Shinbun was a major Japanese newspaper published in Tokyo during the early and mid-Meiji periods. Best known for its support of the Freedom and People’s Rights Movement, Choya Shinbun shaped public opinion during a political era that saw the establishment of the Meiji Constitution and the Imperial Diet. The Choya Shinbun Digital Archive is a valuable resource for scholars of history, politics, and East Asian Studies.
Access from July 5, 1875 to Nov. 27, 1889.