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Violence & Abuse Abstracts

Violence and Abuse Abstracts

Violence & Abuse Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to violence and abuse, including family violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 21,500 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline. – Publisher

Religion and Philosophy Collection

Religion and Philosophy Collection

Religion & Philosophy Collection provides extensive coverage of such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. With more than 300 full text journals, the Religion & Philosophy Collection is an essential tool for researchers and students of theology and philosophical studies. – Publisher

Library & Information Science Source

Library & Information Science Source

Library & Information Science Source was developed to meet the needs of librarians, information professional and students. Content includes full text for more than 460 publications and indexing for hundreds of high-quality journals, as well as books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage encompasses librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. In addition, Library & Information Science Source provides comprehensive coverage of the history of library studies. – Publisher

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is a comprehensive database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods. This is the world’s largest full text psychology database offering full text coverage for nearly 400 journals. – Publisher

AM Search

AM Search

AM Search is a gateway to millions of pages of primary source content. AM’s (formerly known as Adam Matthew) collections provide access to digitized historical materials – manuscripts, government records, rare books, maps and more – across a wide range of disciplines, from History to English Literature, Gender Studies, Sociology, Economics, Area Studies, Political Sciences and more. Through AM’s search, all the AM primary source content that Northwestern University Libraries has access to can be viewed and searched in a single interface.

Searches the contents of: Africa and the New Imperialism; African American Communities; Age of Exploration; AM Research Skills; America in World War Two; American History, 1493-1945; American West; Amnesty International Archives; Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1994; Broadcasting America; Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan, 1834-1922; Children’s Literature and Culture; China, America and the Pacific; China: Culture and Society; China: Trade, Politics and Culture, 1793-1980; Church Missionary Society Periodicals; Colonial America; Colonial Caribbean; Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966; Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969; Confidential Print: Middle East, 1839-1969; Confidential Print: North America, 1824-1961; Defining Gender; Early Modern England; East India Company; Eighteenth Century Drama; Eighteenth Century Journals; Empire Online; Ethnomusicology; Everyday Life & Women in America, c1800-1920; First World War Portal; Food and Drink in History; Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980; Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980; Foreign Office Files for Japan, 1919-1952; Foreign Office Files for Southeast Asia, 1963-1980; Foreign Office Files for the Middle East, 1971-1981; Frontier Life; Gender: Identity and Social Change; Global Commodities; India, Raj and Empire; Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America; Indigenous Newspapers in North America; Interwar Culture; J Walter Thompson: Advertising America; Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954; Leisure Travel and Mass Culture; Life at Sea: Seafaring in the Anglo-American Maritime World, 1600-1900; Literary Manuscripts Berg; Literary Manuscripts Leeds; Literary Print Culture; London Low Life; Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963; Market Research and American Business, 1935-1965; Mass Observation Online; Mass Observation Project; Medical Services and Warfare; Medieval Family Life; Medieval Travel Writing; Meiji Japan; Migration to New Worlds; Nineteenth Century Literary Society; Perdita Manuscripts, 1500-1700; Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975; Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900; Poverty, Philanthropy and Social Conditions in Victorian Britain; Race Relations in America; Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape; Royal Shakespeare Company Archives; Service Newspapers of World War Two; Sex & Sexuality; Shakespeare in Performance; Shakespeare’s Globe Archive; Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice; Socialism on Film; The Gilded Age and Progressive Era; The Grand Tour; The Nixon Years, 1969-1974; Trade Catalogues and the American Home; Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History; Victorian Popular Culture; Victorians on Film; Virginia Company Archives; Women in the National Archives; World’s Fairs.

Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture

Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture

Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture is an interdisciplinary, international peer reviewed journal that features research and writing of scholars and artists working in fields typically considered to be the domain of sound art and sound studies. These fields may include traditional and new forms of radio, music, performance, installation, sound technologies, immersive realities, and studies-based disciplines such as musicology, philosophy, and cultural studies. The scope extends to other disciplines such as ethnography, cultural geography, ecologies, media archaeology, digital humanities, audiology, communications, and architecture.

Elgar Advanced Introductions Law Collection

Elgar Advanced Introductions Law Collection

These titles are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in Law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the issues associated with discrete subject areas.

The aims of the series are two-fold; to pinpoint essential principles of a particular field, and to offer insights that stimulate critical thinking. By distilling the vast amount of information available on the subject area into a concise and meaningful form, the volumes serve as accessible introductions for undergraduate and graduate students coming to the subject for the first time. Importantly, they also develop well-informed, nuanced critiques of the field that will challenge and extend the understanding of advanced students, scholars and policy-makers. – Publisher



Al-Ba’ath was founded in 1948 as an organ of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party. Functioning initially as an opposition newspaper to the Nasserist government, Al-Ba’ath became the government organ of Syria following the Ba’athist coup in 1963. Al-Ba’ath propagates the viewpoint of the Ba’ath Party through opinion columns and news coverage, while also including coverage of popular culture—including sports and music.

Al-Ba’ath is perhaps best known for its coverage of the 1966 split between the Syrian and Iraq-based branches of the original Ba’ath Party, the rise to power of the Assad family (starting in 1970), as well as the 1980 Iran-Iraq war (in which Syria supported Iran).

Al-Ba’ath Digital Archive is a valuable resource for scholars of history, Middle East and North African studies, military science, and politics. – Publisher



This database focuses on the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers libraries full text articles for more than 180 international, and often peer-reviewed journals and reports. In addition, there are hundreds of pamphlets, booklets, special reports, original research and book excerpts. Alt HealthWatch provides in-depth coverage across the full spectrum of subject areas covered by complementary and alternative medicine. This database features indexing and abstracts going back as far as 1984, and full text going back as far as 1990. – Publisher

Ethnic Diversity Source

Ethnic Diversity Source

Ethnic Diversity Source supports the study of African Americans, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Jewish Americans, Latinx Americans, Multiracial Americans, and Native Americans, among others, with respect to their cultures, traditions, social treatment, and lived experiences. Scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, historical documents, and biographies are complemented by primary sources, such as speeches and interviews. – Publisher

Southern African Public Law

Southern African Public Law

SAPL aims to provide academics and intellectuals from Southern Africa and Africa in general a forum for discursive deliberation and debate on matters relating to public law. The journal welcomes contributions dealing with topics in constitutional and administrative law, legal philosophy, legal and constitutional theory, law and government law and closely related fields. – Publisher