Archive of video segments from Cable News Network (CNN) specials and feature programming on business, economics, technology, environmental studies, health, women’s studies, and human rights. Over 1100 videos currently included.
The CBS News Video Archive is a database of flagship news programming spanning 6 decades of journalistic coverage. Perfect for history, media studies, journalism, and social sciences students and scholars, this unique product provides an unparalleled look at American and World History events, as they were originally reported. – Publisher
Max Scheler: Gesammelte Werke und Schriften
The Past Masters Max Scheler: Gesammelte Werke und Schriften collection is based on the Infosoftware® Scheler CD-ROM edition, edited and compiled by Karsten Worm. Contents: Primarily includes the printed complete 15 volume edition of Max Scheler’s Gesammelte Werke, Bern: Franke, 1954-. Also includes numerous other writings from his estate. Arranged thematically into 12 electronic volumes. – Publisher
Cassirer: Nachgelassene Manuskripte und Texte
Ernst Cassirer: Nachgelassene Manuskripte und Texte. Begründet von Klaus Christian Köhnke, John Michael Krois und Oswald Schwemmer. Hrsg. Christian von Möckel et. al. 19 Bände. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1995-2022. – Publisher
Northwestern University Libraries now have access to the online content of 19 Inderscience Publishers journals.
Access is generally for the most recent 2 years to the present. One simultaneous user at a time, please log off when finished.
International Journal of Automation and Control
IJAAC addresses the evolution and realisation of the theory, algorithms, techniques, schemes and tools for any kind of automation and control platforms including macro, micro and nano scale machineries and systems, with emphasis on implications that state-of-the-art technology choices have on both the feasibility and practicability of the intended applications. – Publisher
International Journal of Automotive Composites
IJAutoC provides comprehensive explanation of how advanced composites (FRPs, reinforced thermoplastics, carbon-based composites and many others) are designed, processed and utilised in automotive vehicles. It includes technical explanation of advanced composites in vehicle design/analysis and covers all phases of composites design, analysis, modelling, testing, manufacturing and failure analysis. It also sheds light on the performance of existing composites and future developments in automotive materials technology. – Publisher
International Journal Automotive Technology and Management
The mission of IJATM is to publish original, high-quality research within the field of the automotive industry. IJATM aims to establish channels of communication between policy makers, executives in the automotive industry, both OEM and suppliers, and related business and academic experts in the field. – Publisher
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communication Systems
IJAACS addresses foundational, engineering and technological aspects of communications systems exhibiting emergent/adaptive behaviour, based on sound theoretical models such as bio-inspired, natural computing, game theory and economic models. – Publisher
International Journal of Aviation Management
IJAM addresses major management issues facing the air transport industry today. The journal offers practitioners and academics a forum for analysis and discussion in the field of aviation management. Papers cover all the major sectors of the industry: airlines, airports, air traffic control and related organisations. – Publisher
International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
IJEHV provides a high quality, fully refereed international forum in the field of electric and hybrid automotive systems, including in-vehicle electricity production such as hydrogen fuel cells, to describe innovative solutions for the technical challenges enabling these new propulsion technologies. – Publisher
International Journal of Electronic Transport
IJET envisages innovation and improvements in applications of information and communication technology (ICT), RFID technology, global positioning systems (GPS), electronic road pricing (ERP) and barcode technologies in the logistics and transport sector, thereby improving supply chain efficiency by reducing carbon footprint, inventories and costs. – Publisher
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems
IJHVS provides an authoritative source of information and an international forum in the field of on/off road heavy vehicle systems, including buses. It is a highly professional and refereed journal which forms part of the proceedings of the International Association for Vehicle Design. – Publisher
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
IJHFE publishes high quality international interdisciplinary peer-reviewed manuscripts covering ergonomics and human factors in the design, planning, development and management of technical and social systems for work or leisure, including technical systems, equipment, products and the organisation of work. – Publisher
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation
Modelling and simulation provide methods to support the design, engineering and evaluation of systems. For applications involving humans, it is essential to consider relevant human factors throughout this process. Human factors offer findings and knowledge for this. This enables physical, cognitive and organisational models. IJHFMS presents developments in this domain and insights into the state-of-the art of digital human modelling and simulation and its successful applications. – Publisher
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence
IJHI focuses on the role of the hybrid intelligence paradigm in the modern context of rapidly evolving technologies. Hybrid intelligent systems research aims to develop state-of-the-art devices for implementing efficient hybrid intelligent algorithms for pattern recognition, sensors and networks, social networks and computational intelligence. – Publisher
International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems
IJVAS is an established international authoritative reference in the field of vehicle autonomous systems research and development. Such systems aim to increase accident avoidance and road capacity, improve the travel experience by relieving occupants of driving/navigation chores, reduce total vehicle numbers and eliminate some of the services/infrastructure associated with motoring today. – Publisher
International Journal of Vehicle Design
IJVD, the journal of vehicle engineering, automotive technology and components, has been established for over forty years as an international authoritative reference in the field. It publishes the Proceedings of the International Association for Vehicle Design, which is an independent, non-profit-making learned society that exists to develop, promote and coordinate the science and practice of Automotive Engineering and Technology, Vehicle Design and Safety. – Publisher
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration
IJVNV has been established as an international authoritative reference in the field. It publishes refereed papers that address vehicle noise and vibration from the perspectives of customers, engineers and manufacturing. – Publisher
International Journal of Vehicle Performance
IJVP, a journal of the International Association for Vehicle Design, addresses multidisciplinary issues relevant to performance of ground vehicle systems and sub-systems for vehicle engineers/scientists. Its scope covers theoretical and experimental developments in performance analyses/assessments of ground vehicles including road, off-road, all-terrain and guided vehicles. – Publisher
International Journal of Vehicle Safety
IJVS provides an authoritative source of information in the field of vehicle safety design, research and development. It serves applied scientists, engineers, policy makers and safety advocates with a platform to develop, promote and coordinate the science, technology and practice of vehicle safety. – Publisher
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
IJVSMT provides an information resource for the scientific and engineering community working with different air, ground and water vehicles. Emphasis is placed on novel computational and testing techniques used by engineers and scientists. – Publisher
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research
WRITR provides an international forum for the critical evaluation and dissemination of research and development in all areas related to intermodal transportation. Research disseminated via WRITR has significant impact on both theory and practice, and is of value to academics, practitioners and policy makers in this field. – Publisher
Coming soon:
International Journal of Aerodynamics
IJAD provides an international forum and refereed authoritative source of information on the development of science and technologies in the field of aerodynamics. It covers all aspects of aerodynamics, and is the only journal dedicated solely to the field of aerodynamics. – Publisher
ACS Electrochemistry is an international journal for high-quality, cutting-edge original research in all areas of electrochemistry. – Publisher
Comprehensive Physiology publishes articles in the interdisciplinary field of inter-organ communication in health and disease. Example topics include inter-organ cellular communication, signaling pathways, organ crosstalk, systems biology, inter-organ pathology and pathogenesis, and the role of hormones and neurotransmitters. The journal provides essential insights for developing interventions and treatments. – Publisher
Materials Platform for Data Science (MPDS)
Formerly known as ASM Alloy phase diagram database, the MPDS presents the materials data, extracted by the project PAULING FILE team from the scientific publications. Even nowadays this task cannot be fully automated, so we had to manually process and systematize around half a million articles in physics, chemistry, materials science, environmental science, engineering, geology, etc. – Publisher
Northwestern University Studies in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought
This is the annual, online, peer-reviewed journal of the Northwestern University Research Initiative in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought (NU RPLRT Research Initiative). The journal showcases outstanding scholarship in each of its three titular areas and, especially, at the intersections among them. It publishes original research articles, critical and interpretive essays, reviews, and translations. Each issue features contributions from leading scholars as well as from emerging voices, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and promoting critical new approaches to the study of Russian thought and literature in their global contexts and meanings.
ACerS-NIST Phase Equilibria Diagram
Retrieve over 23,000 diagrams previously published in over 21 ACerS/NIST Phase equilibria diagram volumes as well as 2,500 electronic diagrams. Functionality includes: search commentaries and diagrams by Chemical System, published author’s last name, volume number, language, publication year, and figure number; the commentary screen displays a full view of Chemical System, figure number, figure notes, references, commentary, footnotes, and contributing editors’ initials; manipulate the diagram on screen with the following actions: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Lever Rule, Curve Follow, Mirror, Mol% to Wt% or Wt% to Mol%, Built in Calculator.
Black Histories is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original and current research on a global understanding of the histories of people of African descent. The journal takes a multi-disciplinary approach within historical studies, including the social, intellectual, economic, political, and financial. Black Histories aims to showcase original research around intersectional themes such as race, class, gender, and identity as well as focusing on economic and/or socio-political issues within a historical framework. – Publisher
The Time Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the prominent weekly news magazine dating back to its first issue in March 1923 through December 2000, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
Published weekly by Time Inc., the magazine has focused on conveying to a broad audience both domestic and international news and analysis on a spectrum of subjects. Intended to be read in under an hour, each issue of Time contains reports of national and international current events, politics, sports, and entertainment. Capturing the relevant news for a given week, the magazine remains an important resource for researchers studying just about any aspect of 20th-century history and life. The Time Magazine Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-century current events, politics and culture, as well as those interested in the history of business, advertising, and popular culture.
Women’s Studies International, produced by NISC, covers the core disciplines in Women’s Studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research. Coverage includes more than 871,000 records and spans from 1972 and earlier to present. Over 2,000 periodical sources are represented. – Publisher