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AP Stylebook

AP Stylebook

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The AP Stylebook is a writing style guide for journalists. It is published and updated every other year to reflect changes in writing style and new guidelines. Updated regularly since its initial publication in 1953, the AP Stylebook is a must-have reference for writers, editors, students and professionals. It provides fundamental guidelines for spelling, language, punctuation, usage and journalistic style. It is the definitive resource for journalists. AP Stylebook Online is updated throughout the year as new style guidelines are developed. – Publisher

Territorial Papers of the United States, 1764-1953

Territorial Papers of the United States, 1764-1953

Territorial Papers of the United States is a collection of Native American negotiations and treaties, official correspondence with the federal government, military records, judicial proceedings, population data, financial statistics, land records, and more. Readex’s Territorial Papers contains the entire corpus of the official papers held by the Departments of State and Interior, the two largest such collections in Washington, D.C. Instead of transcripts, it features high-resolution images of the original sources—many of which are hand-written documents—ensuring that scholars don’t miss a single detail from this vital period in American history. – Publisher



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Journal of Economic Insight

Journal of Economic Insight

The Journal of Economic Insight is a general interest journal that publishes high quality, original research across a broad array of topics. Contributions can be both empirical and theoretical in nature but should offer additional insights into contemporary economic issues. – Publisher

Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes

Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes

Dix-Neuf, the journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes, is a forum for cutting-edge research in nineteenth-century French and francophone studies in all relevant disciplines. It is interdisciplinary in focus and seeks to promote wide-ranging critical and theoretical debate. The journal brings together a team of internationally recognized scholars on its editorial and advisory boards. – Publisher

Local Development & Society

Local Development & Society

Local Development & Society will explore potentials and limitations of local growth and test evidence from academic research and practice against relevance in local societies. The journal supports theoretical and empirical research in a diversity of local contexts, with the aim of strengthening universities and organizations that produce research about communities’ development and society. Areas of interest include but are not limited to planning, geography, economics, sociology and other disciplines. – Publisher

Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies

Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies

Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies (BCHS) is an exciting new development building on the long-standing success of Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, founded by Edgar Allison Peers in 1923. The BCHS focuses on contemporary scholarship across all areas of the Hispanic world. It is envisaged that Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies will become a front-ranking journal in the field of Hispanic research, and it will be supported by an editorial committee bringing recognised research expertise across a wide range of contemporary Hispanic scholarship. – Publisher

Animal Gene

Animal Gene

Animal Gene publishes papers that focus on the regulation, expression, function and evolution of genes in animals. Animal Gene strives to be a diverse journal and topics in multiple fields will be considered for publication so long as their main focus is on animals, such as but not limited to cattle, pig, sheep, goat, chicken, fish, mollusks, crustaceans, insects, or microorganisms. – Publisher

Energy and Climate Change

Energy and Climate Change

Energy and Climate Change is an interdisciplinary journal covering the intersection of energy and climate-related fields, spanning the physical and social sciences, with the aim of identifying real solutions and strategies. Energy and Climate Change aims to promote rapid communication and dialogue among scientists, engineers, economists, and policy makers working in the areas of energy and climate change. – Publisher


Foreign Office Files for South East Asia, 1963-1980

Foreign Office Files for South East Asia, 1963-1980

This collection follows the establishment of an independent Malaysia in 1963, following the release of the Cobbold Commission Report. Under President Sukarno, Indonesia strongly opposed this decision and hostilities between the two countries escalated. Alongside tensions with Malaysia, Indonesia would experience growing civil unrest in this period, with anti-Communist sentiments on the rise. Documents featured in this collection cover these fundamental events alongside a number of key themes, including trade, economic development and authoritarian rule in this period. – Publisher

Colonial Caribbean: Settlement, Slavery, and Empire, 1624-1832

Colonial Caribbean: Settlement, Slavery, and Empire, 1624-1832

The first module of Colonial Caribbean documents the history of British colonies throughout the Caribbean from early settlement to the eve of the Slavery Abolition Act passed in 1833.   This module features volumes from The National Archives, UK sourced from 26 different Colonial Office (CO) series (sometimes referred to as file classes) which include material related to 27 Caribbean colonies.

The subjects covered by these volumes are many and varied; earlier materials deal with interactions with the indigenous inhabitants of the region, the establishment of colonies, including early legislation, correspondence requesting provisions and soldiers for defence, as well as arrangements for the building of fortifications. Material throughout the early eighteenth century often specifies dealings with and punishment of pirates and privateering within the region. – Publisher

Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980

Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980

Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980 consists of the complete run of documents in the series DO 133, DO 134 and FCO 37, as well as all documents covering the Indian subcontinent in the FO 371 series. Events covered include independence and partition, the Indian annexation of Hyderabad and Goa, war between India and Pakistan, tensions and war between India and China, the consolidation of power of the Congress Party in India, military rule in Pakistan, the turbulent independence of Bangladesh and the development of nuclear weapons in the region. – Publisher


Section I: Independence, Partition and the Nehru Era, 1947-64

This section covers the period of the birth and development of the Indian and Pakistani states from the run-up to partition in August 1947 until the death of Jawarhalal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, in 1964. The region’s two principal states underwent a traumatic birth, with the violence and displacements of partition followed by tensions between India and Pakistan over Kashmir which erupted periodically into both skirmishes and full-blown warfare. The period also saw India clash militarily with Hyderabad in the wake of its ruler’s attempts to maintain independence, with Portugal over its unwillingness to give up Goa and its other Indian possessions and, less successfully, with China over disputed territories in the Himalayas. The majority of files in this section are from the FO 371 series, with smaller numbers from DO 133 and DO 134. – Publisher

Section II: South Asian Conflicts and Independence for Bangladesh, 1965-71

This section covers the period from Nehru’s death to the separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan and the subsequent war and humanitarian crisis. The period also saw renewed war between India and Pakistan over Kashmir (August-September 1965), the accession to power in India of Indira Gandhi, Nehru’s daughter, and the continuance of military government in Pakistan under Yahya Khan. Most files in this section are from the FCO 37 series, with small numbers from DO 133, DO 134 and FO 371. – Publisher

Section III: Afghanistan and the Cold War, Emergency Rule in India, and the Resumption of Civilian Rule in Pakistan, 1972-80

This last section covers the 1970s, a decade in which all the main states of the Indian subcontinent all experienced political upheavals and repression in varying degrees. Bangladesh emerged as an independent state but failed to achieve political stability, and Pakistan returned to civilian rule, in the wake of the military’s failure to prevent Bangladesh’s secession, before another military coup returned the army to power five years later. In India, the government of Indira Gandhi became increasingly dictatorial, jailing hundreds of opponents and declaring a state of emergency in 1975. In 1977, Gandhi’s government fell and India elected its first non-Congress prime minister. Events also began in Afghanistan which foreshadowed the chaotic conditions there of the 1980s and 1990s: the monarchy was overthrown by a coup in 1973, and a further coup in 1978 brought a communist regime to power. This was followed by internecine fighting within the government and a Soviet invasion in 1979, heralding a long, brutal civil war. The 1970s also saw India develop nuclear weapons and Pakistan begin development in response. All files in this section are from the FCO 37 series. – Publisher


Docuseek Films Collection Upgrade to 3rd Edition

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to films in the Docuseek upgrade to the third edition. Currently 118 new titles, with periodic additions to a total of 2400 full catalog titles by 2023. A title list is available here.

Docuseek titles are available through NUsearch and at the publisher’s website.

Docuseek streams essential independent, social-issue and environmental films to colleges and universities, providing exclusive access to content from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution. – Publisher