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Category: Sociology

Mass Observation Project, 1981-2009: Module III, 2000s

Mass Observation Project, 1981-2009: Module III, 2000s In addition to Module I, 1980s and Module II, 1990s, Northwestern University Libraries now have access to Module III, 2000s of the Mass Observation Project. Launched in 1981 by the University of Sussex as a rebirth of the original 1937 Mass Observation, its aim was to document the

Interwar Culture

Interwar Culture Interwar Culture showcases popular and lesser-known periodicals published during the interwar period. With articles covering culture, entertainment, fashion, home and family life, world current affairs, class, social and welfare issues, these historically significant and highly visual magazines provide a rich insight into these dynamic yet turbulent decades, as well as allowing examination of

26 New Streaming Videos from Docuseek

New streaming documentary films from Docuseek.  Docuseek provides exclusive educational streaming access to documentary and social issues films. Access available via NUsearch or the Docuseek2 website.   Maguy Marin: time to act / Naïa Productions et Compagnie Maguy Marin présentent en coproduction avec Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes cinéma un film de David Mambouch; écrit et réalisé par David