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Category: Sociology

Politix, revue des sciences sociales du politique

Politix, revue des sciences sociales du politique Participating in the dissemination of academic work in political science; contributing to public debate by comparing the themes discussed with empirical research; intervening in controversies that cut across the social sciences; nurturing dialogue between the latter, historical disciplines and political science: these are the main ambitions of Politix.

Genèses, sciences sociales et histoire

Genèses, sciences sociales et histoire The aim of Genèses is to understand our contemporary societies, to reconstruct the processes that have shaped them, and to contribute to the history of our disciplines. – Publisher

Revue française de sociologie

Revue française de sociologie Founded in 1960 by Jean Stoetzel and published quarterly, Revue française de sociologie is the first French-language general sociology journal. It publishes works that contribute to our knowledge of the social world and to the development of conceptual and technical tools for this knowledge. – Publisher

Food and Humanity

Food and Humanity Food & Humanity is a broad and inclusive scientific journal covering all areas of science related to food, with an emphasis on food chemistry, food safety, nutrition & health, and sensory & consumer sciences. – Publisher

ACS Electrochemistry

ACS Electrochemistry ACS Electrochemistry is an international journal for high-quality, cutting-edge original research in all areas of electrochemistry. – Publisher  

Power to the People: Counterculture, Social Movements, and the Alternative Press

Power to the People: Counterculture, Social Movements, and the Alternative Press Power to the People: Counterculture, Social Movements, and the Alternative Press showcases a range of ideas, initiatives, and social movements devoted to people-powered politics and organizing from the nineteenth through twenty-first centuries. Ranging beyond a few specific movements, the archive paints a broad picture

Sage Research Methods Data Visualization

Sage Research Methods Data Visualization Sage Research Methods Data Visualization is organized to introduce users to the fundamental principles of graphical displays of data—complete with annotated examples across an array of categories—presented with tips and tricks, as well as explanatory examples of bad practice. The platform’s approach is designed to engage users with dozens of

Sage Research Methods Datasets

Sage Research Methods Datasets Access to Part I Datasets only. Sage Research Methods Datasets is a collection of teaching datasets and instructional guides that give students a chance to learn data analysis by practicing themselves. This bank of topical, engaging practice datasets, indexed by method and data type, are optimized to use in classroom exercises

Sage Research Methods Cases

Sage Research Methods Cases Access to Part I Cases only. Sage Research Methods Cases are stories of how real research projects were conducted. The collection provides more than 1100 case studies, showing the challenges and successes of doing research, written by the researchers themselves. They explain why the researchers chose the methods they did, how

Sage Research Methods Foundations

Sage Research Methods Foundations This ambitious resource brings together, in one place, authoritative essays and entries with comprehensive coverage of methods and methodologies across the social sciences. It provides a reference resource for all levels, from undergraduates learning the concepts of research, to postgraduate students honing their skills and scholars and practitioners exploring cutting-edge developments

Popular Culture Review

Popular Culture Review Popular Culture Review (PCR) seeks to broaden the journal’s exploration of popular culture as well. Examples might include regional popular cultures, popular culture and food, popular culture in previous decades or eras, popular culture and social media, popular culture and music, and more. – Publisher

Journal of Elder Policy

Journal of Elder Policy The Journal of Elder Policy (JEP) offers a forum for innovative thinking, theorizing, program planning and empirical research relevant to elder policy. We publish informative articles relevant to policies that enhance quality of life and well-being of older adults. – Publisher