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Category: Slavic

Vestnik arkhivista / Вестник архивиста

Vestnik arkhivista / Вестник архивиста The newsletter includes articles on problems of archives sciences, source studies, studies of early texts, also it publishes archival documents, historical researches on archival materials, reviews of conferences and exhibitions.  

Slavic and Judaica E-Books

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to additional ebook titles from Eastview’s Slavic and Judaica E-Books. Access through the publisher’s website or soon via the Library’s catalog.   Title in Original Title in LC transliteration Україна й українці в пост-імперську добу (1917-1939) Ukraina i ukraintsi v post-impers’ku dobu (1917-1939) Україна в епіцентрі протистояння світових систем

Slavic and Judaica E-Books

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to additional ebook titles from Eastview’s Slavic and Judaica E-Books. Access through the publisher’s website or soon via the Library’s catalog.   Title in Original                        Title in LC transliteration Бабье лето : повести после концасвета Bab’e leto : povesti posle kontsasveta Мышь Mysh’ Цифры TSifry Новый Браунинг Novyi Brauning

Russian Social Sciences and Humanities Periodicals

Russian Social Sciences and Humanities Periodicals The goal of this database is to provide researchers with a unique opportunity to cross-search the contents of major Russian periodicals on social sciences and humanities. It is comprised of all 31 journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences ranging from archeology to linguistics, as well as popular literary

Demokratychna Ukraina Digital Archive

Demokratychna Ukraina Digital Archive / Демократична Україна Established initially as a Russian-language daily newspaper in the early 20th century, Demokratychna Ukraina (Демократична Україна, Democratic Ukraine) underwent dramatic transformation in the wake of the August 1991 coup attempt against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. In addition to changing the name of the newspaper, Demokratychna Ukraina began publishing

Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda, Modules 2 and 3

Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda In addition to Module 1: Wars & Revolutions, Northwestern University Libraries now have access to Module II: Newsreels & Cinemagazines and Module III: Culture & Society of Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda. Sourced from the archives of the British Film Institute (BFI),