ACS Electrochemistry ACS Electrochemistry is an international journal for high-quality, cutting-edge original research in all areas of electrochemistry. – Publisher
Category: Slavic
Northwestern University Studies in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought This is the annual, online, peer-reviewed journal of the Northwestern University Research Initiative in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought (NU RPLRT Research Initiative). The journal showcases outstanding scholarship in each of its three titular areas and, especially, at the intersections among them. It publishes
Global Census Archive (Russia, Soviet Union, Israel, Palestine, Colombia, Mexico) The Global Census Archive (GCA) is an innovative program to collect official census publications and related materials from around the world. East View’s Global Census Archive contains all available census publications associated with a given census (GCA-PUBS), such as official results, questionnaires, methodological works, public
Periodicals of Central Asia and the Caucasus The Universal Database of Central Asia and Caucasus (UDB-CAC) includes a number of authoritative periodicals published in the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The sources are mostly in Russian and English and cover various issues of domestic and international importance. AP-Blitz, an information agency, offers
Slovo Kyrgyzstana Digital Archive Established in 1925 in what was then the Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast in the RSFSR, Slovo Kyrgyzstana (Слово Кыргызстана, Word of Kyrgyzstan) is a Russian-language newspaper that served as the official party organ of the Central Committee of the Kirghiz SSR throughout its Soviet existence. It has been published independently since it
V Novom Svete / В новом свете Founded in 1995 in New York City, V Novom Svete (В Новом Свете, In the New World) was the most popular weekly newspaper among the fourth wave of immigrants from the former USSR, which began in the late 1980s. The first issue of V Novom Svete was published
Nowy Dziennik = Polish Daily News Nowy Dziennik (The New Daily) is the largest independent Polish-language newspaper in the United States, serving as a key source of information for the Polish émigré community. Its opinion-forming reporting covers current social, political, sports, cultural, and religious events. – Publisher
Vestnik arkhivista / Вестник архивиста The newsletter includes articles on problems of archives sciences, source studies, studies of early texts, also it publishes archival documents, historical researches on archival materials, reviews of conferences and exhibitions.
Demokratychna Ukraina Digital Archive / Демократична Україна Established initially as a Russian-language daily newspaper in the early 20th century, Demokratychna Ukraina (Демократична Україна, Democratic Ukraine) underwent dramatic transformation in the wake of the August 1991 coup attempt against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. In addition to changing the name of the newspaper, Demokratychna Ukraina began publishing
Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda In addition to Module 1: Wars & Revolutions, Northwestern University Libraries now have access to Module II: Newsreels & Cinemagazines and Module III: Culture & Society of Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda. Sourced from the archives of the British Film Institute (BFI),