Violence and Abuse Abstracts Violence & Abuse Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to violence and abuse, including family violence, sexual assault, emotional abuse, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 21,500 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline. –
Category: Psychology
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is a comprehensive database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods. This is the world’s largest full text psychology database offering full text coverage for nearly 400 journals. – Publisher
The Oxford Handbook of Media and Social Justice This handbook represents the collective wisdom of more than 40 leading voices across positionalities and perspectives, geographies and generations, meta-theories and methods, and issues and identities. Each of the 32 chapters presents a state-of-the-art systematic overview of a brief history, key concepts, contemporary debates and dialogues, and
The Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition, Second Edition This second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition is an all-new update and extension of the historic 2013 first edition. Like the first, it contains over forty chapters encompassing social cognition’s history and methods, primary approaches and theories, and applications across social psychology and other
Oxford Handbook of Human Memory, Two Volume Pack: Foundations and Applications Covering the science of human memory, this handbook considers its application to clinical disorders and its broader implications for learning and memory in real-world contexts. Written by field leaders, the handbook integrates behavioural, neural, and computational evidence with current theories of how humans learn
The Oxford Handbook of Psychedelic, Religious, Spiritual, and Mystical Experiences The Oxford Handbook of Evolution and the Emotions
Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy This volume presents a comprehensive guide to the cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) model. Throughout the volume, there is a balance of established theory and practice alongside a focus on innovation in both direct work with clients and the application of CAT more broadly within teams, organizations, and training, and
Northwestern University Libraries now have access to 159 additional titles from Higher Education Ebooks from Cambridge University Press. Access through NUsearch or the publisher’s website. Sustainable energy : engineering fundamentals and applications / Serdar Çelik, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Quantum mechanics with concept maps / Michael Wick. Intermediate macroeconomics with Chinese perspectives : a calculus-based
The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Archaeology The Oxford Handbook of Queer and Trans Music Therapy The Oxford Handbook of Islam and Politics
Northwestern University Libraries now has access to the following Oxford Scholarship Online e-books. Access through the Library’s catalog NUsearch. Purchased through the BTAA E-book Pilot Program. Infectious disease ecology of wild birds / edited by Jennifer C. Owen, Dana M. Hawley, and Kathryn P. Huyvaert. The gene’s-eye view of evolution / J. Arvid Ågren. The