History Vault: Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files, 1960-1969, Europe and Latin America The U.S. State Department Central Files are an important source of diplomatic reporting on political, military, social, and economic developments throughout the world in the 20th century. The Central Files in History Vault contain a wide range of materials from U.S. diplomats
Category: Government Information
National County Data on U.S. Representatives Elections Datasets of election returns at the county level for all states in the U.S., in Excel format from Atlas of U.S. Elections. Log in using Northwestern netid and password. Northwestern University Libraries have access to 2006, 2010, 2014, 2019 and 2022.
Global Census Archive (Russia, Soviet Union, Israel, Palestine, Colombia, Mexico) The Global Census Archive (GCA) is an innovative program to collect official census publications and related materials from around the world. East View’s Global Census Archive contains all available census publications associated with a given census (GCA-PUBS), such as official results, questionnaires, methodological works, public
Conflict in Indochina, Foreign Office Files for Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, 1959-1979 This collection of Foreign Office Files provides a comprehensive history of key events across Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos during a period of political upheaval, civil unrest and escalating conflict. Published in two sections, Conflict in Indochina explores the rising tension across Indochina after
U.S.-Russia Relations: From the Fall of the Soviet Union to the Rise of Putin, 1991-2000 This comprehensive collection of documents includes memoranda of conversations between U.S. and Russian presidents from 1992 through 2000 during a crucial formative stage of U.S.-Russia relations. Summit transcripts, private correspondence, intelligence analyses, and meeting records provide an inside view of
Public Petitions to Parliament, 1833-1918 Public Petitions to Parliament, 1833-1918 is an online module of Parliamentary Papers covering the records of the Select Committee on Public Petitions, 1833-1918. It includes individually rekeyed metadata records for every one of the >900,000 petitions accepted by Parliament and includes the full text of each petition that the Committee
The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant Digital edition of Grant’s papers, based on the original letterpress edition edited by John Y. Simon. Searchable access to the content of the original thirty-one print volumes, including all editorial annotations, introductory essays, and appendices, as well as a separate volume of supplementary documents completed by John F. Marszalek.
LocalView LocalView is a database of public meetings for the study of local politics and policy-making in the United States. LocalView is an open-source data portal built by Soubhik Barari and Tyler Simko to advance the study of local government in the United States. It is the largest database of local government public meetings —
FBI Manuals of Instruction, Investigative Procedures, and Guidelines, 1927-1978 This collection reproduces four manuals of instruction, investigative procedures, and guidelines issued to FBI agents in 1927, 1936, 1941, and 1978. – Publisher
Congress and the Nation 2013-2016, Volume XIV: Politics and Policy in the 113th and 114th Congresses
Congress and the Nation 2013-2016, Volume XIV: Politics and Policy in the 113th and 114th Congresses Chronicling the polarized partisan environment during the President Barack Obama’s second term, Congress and the Nation 2013-2016, Vol. XIV is the most authoritative reference on congressional lawmaking and trends during the 113th and 114th Congresses. The newest edition in
Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement: The Early Cold War and Decolonization Part 2 of Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement. Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement: The Early Cold War and Decolonization draws on government files, refugee agency reports, and myriad other forms of documentation to capture the new challenges faced by those forced to flee their homelands and by
Foreign Office Files for South East Asia, Section II: Foundations of Economic Growth and Industrialisation,1967-1980 The documents in both sections predominantly cover Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines. The first section in this collection contains files from DO 169, DO 187 and FO 371. The dates covered in these files range from 1954-1971, with the