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Category: E-Journals

Journal of Chinese History

Journal of Chinese History The Journal of Chinese History / 中國歷史學刊 publishes research articles, review essays, and book reviews on all periods of Chinese history and all sub-specialties of history—social, cultural, political, economic, and intellectual. The journal aims to keep its readers abreast of important trends in historical scholarship and welcomes inquiries about review essays

Journal of Mathematics and the Arts

Journal of Mathematics and the Arts Journal of Mathematics and the Arts focuses on connections between mathematics and the arts. It publishes articles of interest for readers who are engaged in using mathematics in the creation of works of art, who seek to understand art arising from mathematical or scientific endeavors, or who strive to

Southeast Asian Newspapers and South Asian Newspapers

Southeast Asian Newspapers The Southeast Asian Newspapers collection chronicles the changes that took place throughout the region during this period, and the challenges of early statehood. Covering several countries from the region, including Myanmar (formerly Burma), Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, and featuring multiple languages such as Dutch, English, French, Javanese, Spanish, and Vietnamese, the

INFORMS Journal on Data Science

INFORMS Journal on Data Science INFORMS Journal on Data Science (IJDS) is a peer-reviewed journal, aiming to publish top innovative and potentially impactful data science methodologies contributing to decision making in business, management, and industry. – Publisher

Demokratychna Ukraina Digital Archive

Demokratychna Ukraina Digital Archive / Демократична Україна Established initially as a Russian-language daily newspaper in the early 20th century, Demokratychna Ukraina (Демократична Україна, Democratic Ukraine) underwent dramatic transformation in the wake of the August 1991 coup attempt against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. In addition to changing the name of the newspaper, Demokratychna Ukraina began publishing

Neliti: Indonesia’s Research Repository

Neliti: Indonesia’s Research Repository Neliti is a research repository that helps researchers and decision makers find research, data and evidence on Indonesia. We index journal articles, books, research reports, policy papers, conference papers and datasets from universities, government bodies, corporate publishers, and think tanks. – Publisher

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy (EIPE) publishes rigorous nonpartisan research on the effects of economic forces and public policy on entrepreneurship and innovation. EIPE provides a systematic and accessible research outlet that links the intellectual foundations and policy analyses on these topics in a way that’s

Rhetoric Society Quarterly

Rhetoric Society Quarterly Rhetoric Society Quarterly , the official journal of the Rhetoric Society of America, features original articles on all areas of rhetorical studies including theory, history, criticism, and pedagogy. The journal addresses an interdisciplinary audience of scholars and students of rhetorics who work in communication studies, English studies, philosophy, politics, and other allied

Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies

BATS: Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies The Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies (BATS) is the leading venue for academic research addressing the social, cultural, and political issues facing transgender and gender minority communities across the globe. The journal offers a platinum open access forum for research of all theoretical and methodological approaches oriented toward the

Modern Rheumatology and Modern Rheumatology Case Reports

Modern Rheumatology Modern Rheumatology is the official journal of the Japan College of Rheumatology (JCR) and publishes original papers in English on research pertinent to rheumatology and associated areas such as pathology, physiology, clinical immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, experimental animal models, pharmacology, and orthopedic surgery. – Publisher Modern Rheumatology Case Reports Modern Rheumatology Case Reports is

Higher Education Research & Development

Higher Education Research & Development Higher Education Research & Development informs and challenges researchers, teachers, administrators, policy-makers and others concerned with the past, present and future of higher education. The journal publishes scholarly articles that make a significant and original contribution to the field of higher education. – Publisher  

Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City

Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City is dedicated to advancing our collective knowledge about how race and ethnicity shape our cities and neighborhoods and inform our urban experiences on a global scale, and, in turn, how urbanization contributes to the social construction of race and ethnicity. –