Rangelands Rangelands publishes articles on the current state of the science and art of rangeland management. As a publication of the Society for Range Management, Rangelands provides readers relevant information founded in the current rangeland science and management knowledge base in an approachable format. – Publisher
Category: E-Journals
Revista Española de Patología The Revista Española de Patología is the official voice of the Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica – Spanish Division of The International Academy of Pathology (SEAP-IAP) specializing in studies related to the multiple facets of pathology, especially those relating to human beings, but also those relating to animal pathology. – Publisher
Journal of Subatomic Particles and Cosmology Journal of Subatomic Particles and Cosmology is a new hybrid journal which aims to provide a flexible platform for the publication of peer reviewed articles in various formats within the fields of Subatomic Physics and Cosmology. – Publisher
Development and Sustainability in Economics and Finance The Development and Sustainability in Economics and Finance publishes original research articles, review articles, case studies, and commentaries relating to all aspects of development and sustainability appearing in economic or financial issues. – Publisher
Materials Chemistry and Physics: Sustainability and Energy Materials Chemistry and Physics: Sustainability and Energy is devoted to short communications, full-length research papers and feature articles on materials for sustainability and clean energy. – Publisher
Journal of Sustainable Finance and Accounting The Journal of Sustainable Finance and Accounting [JOSFA] aims to provide an outlet for research and scholarship on the broader areas of sustainable finance, green banking, sustainable corporate governance, accountability and ethics, and sustainability reporting. – Publisher
Northwestern University Libraries now have access to the online content of 19 Inderscience Publishers journals. Access is generally for the most recent 2 years to the present. One simultaneous user at a time, please log off when finished. International Journal of Automation and Control IJAAC addresses the evolution and realisation of the theory, algorithms, techniques,
ACS Electrochemistry ACS Electrochemistry is an international journal for high-quality, cutting-edge original research in all areas of electrochemistry. – Publisher
Comprehensive Physiology Comprehensive Physiology publishes articles in the interdisciplinary field of inter-organ communication in health and disease. Example topics include inter-organ cellular communication, signaling pathways, organ crosstalk, systems biology, inter-organ pathology and pathogenesis, and the role of hormones and neurotransmitters. The journal provides essential insights for developing interventions and treatments. – Publisher
Northwestern University Studies in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought This is the annual, online, peer-reviewed journal of the Northwestern University Research Initiative in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought (NU RPLRT Research Initiative). The journal showcases outstanding scholarship in each of its three titular areas and, especially, at the intersections among them. It publishes
Black Histories Black Histories is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original and current research on a global understanding of the histories of people of African descent. The journal takes a multi-disciplinary approach within historical studies, including the social, intellectual, economic, political, and financial. Black Histories aims to showcase original research around intersectional themes such as race,
Time Magazine Archive The Time Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the prominent weekly news magazine dating back to its first issue in March 1923 through December 2000, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format. Published weekly by Time Inc., the magazine has focused on conveying to a broad audience both domestic and international news