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Category: E-Books

Slavic and Judaica E-Books

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to additional ebook titles from Eastview’s Slavic and Judaica E-Books. Access through the publisher’s website or soon via the Library’s catalog.   Title in Original                        Title in LC transliteration Бабье лето : повести после концасвета Bab’e leto : povesti posle kontsasveta Мышь Mysh’ Цифры TSifry Новый Браунинг Novyi Brauning

159 new Higher Education Ebooks from Cambridge University Press

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to 159 additional titles from Higher Education Ebooks from Cambridge University Press.  Access through NUsearch or the publisher’s website. Sustainable energy : engineering fundamentals and applications / Serdar Çelik, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Quantum mechanics with concept maps / Michael Wick. Intermediate macroeconomics with Chinese perspectives : a calculus-based

Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry IV

Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry IV Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry, Fifteen Volume Set is the market-leading resource covering all areas of this critical sub-discipline of chemistry. Divided into 15 clear sections, it provides expert coverage of the synthesis, structures, bonding and reactivity of all organometallic compounds, including the mechanisms of the reactions. Applications of organometallic chemistry, such as

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus English translation of John Duns Scotus’ Ordinatio, as it is given in the Vatican critical text (Ioannis Duns Scoti Opera Omnia. Iussu et auctoritate Pacifici M. Perantoni; studio et cura Commissionis Scotisticae ad Fidem Codicum Edita, praeside Carolo Balić. Civitas Vaticana: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1950 -.) – Publisher

Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Asian History

Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Asian History The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History is a dynamic, innovative, comprehensive, self-reflexive online research encyclopedia, which provides access to state-of-the-art research and also connects readers to the full range of internet resources for research and teaching, including audio, visual, video materials, digitized archives, and other primary sources. – Publisher

City, Public Value, and Capitalism: New Urban Visions and Public Strategies

City, Public Value, and Capitalism: New Urban Visions and Public Strategies City, Public Value, and Capitalism: New Urban Visions and Public Strategies discusses how cities that have developed through the successive stages of capitalism should transform themselves when adapting to the conditions of the contemporary global age. – Publisher

Neliti: Indonesia’s Research Repository

Neliti: Indonesia’s Research Repository Neliti is a research repository that helps researchers and decision makers find research, data and evidence on Indonesia. We index journal articles, books, research reports, policy papers, conference papers and datasets from universities, government bodies, corporate publishers, and think tanks. – Publisher

The Cambridge History of America and the World

The Cambridge History of America and the World Volume 1: 1500–1820 The first volume of The Cambridge History of America and the World examines how the United States emerged out of a series of colonial interactions, some involving indigenous empires and communities that were already present when the first Europeans reached the Americas, others the

Oxford Handbooks in Psychology and Religion

The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Archaeology The Oxford Handbook of Queer and Trans Music Therapy The Oxford Handbook of Islam and Politics  

AP Stylebook

AP Stylebook 100 concurrent users at a time allowed; please close browser to log out after using. The AP Stylebook is a writing style guide for journalists. It is published and updated every other year to reflect changes in writing style and new guidelines. Updated regularly since its initial publication in 1953, the AP Stylebook

105 Oxford Scholarship Online E-books

Northwestern University Libraries now has access to the following Oxford Scholarship Online e-books. Access through the Library’s catalog NUsearch. Purchased through the BTAA E-book Pilot Program. Infectious disease ecology of wild birds / edited by Jennifer C. Owen, Dana M. Hawley, and Kathryn P. Huyvaert. The gene’s-eye view of evolution / J. Arvid Ågren. The