LocalView LocalView is a database of public meetings for the study of local politics and policy-making in the United States. LocalView is an open-source data portal built by Soubhik Barari and Tyler Simko to advance the study of local government in the United States. It is the largest database of local government public meetings —
Category: Databases
FBI Manuals of Instruction, Investigative Procedures, and Guidelines, 1927-1978 This collection reproduces four manuals of instruction, investigative procedures, and guidelines issued to FBI agents in 1927, 1936, 1941, and 1978. – Publisher
Africa Commons: East African Magazines, Newspapers, and Films: The Hilary Ng’weno Archive An exclusive collection of full-run magazines, newspapers, and films from the legendary Kenyan journalist, Hilary Ng’weno. The archive presents more than 100,000 pages of newly digitized, historically significant, groundbreaking publications from Ng’weno’s media company. Much of the material has not been available outside
Africa Commons: Southern African Films and Documentaries With content spanning the 1900s to the early 2000s, Southern African Films and Documentaries offers—for the first time—streaming access to more than a century of African history, politics, and culture. Five film types are represented— propaganda, newsreels, documentaries, feature films, and interviews. – Publisher
Africa Commons: Black South African Magazines The first and only digital collection of magazines created for Black audiences in Africa from 1937 to 1973. Black South African Magazines brings together over 50,000 pages of extremely rare, yet historically significant magazines, written and targeted specifically for Black African audiences. Developed in partnership with Sabinet, the materials
South Asia Commons – History and Culture South Asian History and Culture is a project to build the largest full text repository of quality South Asian books, magazines, reports, historical journals, video, audio, zines, newspapers, magazines, letters, diaries, and other primary source materials. The database provides in-depth, advanced searching, with centralized access to over 500
RIPM Jazz Periodicals RIPM Jazz Periodicals is a full-text database that features a unique collection of rare and historically significant jazz periodicals, providing an invaluable window into the development and evolution of jazz as an art form and to the historical, cultural, and sociological facets of American and twentieth-century life that it permeates.
Müteferriqa Müteferriqa is an online research portal. It contains an exceptionally rich collection of printed materials published in the Ottoman Empire from the 18th to mid-20th century. It paves the way for interdisciplinary collaboration in historical research through its English and Turkish language support. Through its sleek Web interface, Müteferriqa lets you perform full-text search
Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement: The Early Cold War and Decolonization Part 2 of Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement. Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement: The Early Cold War and Decolonization draws on government files, refugee agency reports, and myriad other forms of documentation to capture the new challenges faced by those forced to flee their homelands and by
Mass Observation Project, 1981-2009: Module III, 2000s In addition to Module I, 1980s and Module II, 1990s, Northwestern University Libraries now have access to Module III, 2000s of the Mass Observation Project. Launched in 1981 by the University of Sussex as a rebirth of the original 1937 Mass Observation, its aim was to document the
SimplyAnalytics Access limited to 5 simultaneous users; please sign out when finished. To save and return to projects, create an account and log in. SimplyAnalytics is a data analysis and mapping tool with U.S. demographic, housing, employment, consumer spending, marketing data from Mediamark Research (MRI), and EASI Lifestage profiles. Simply Analytics incorporates over 100K data
近代报纸数据库 / Jin dai bao zhi shu ju ku / Modern Newspapers in China Digitized contents from the comprehensive collections of the National Library of China with the supplements from other Chinese libraries published before 1949. Title list spreadsheet available here.