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Tim Hagan

Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement: The Early Cold War and Decolonization

Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement: The Early Cold War and Decolonization Part 2 of Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement. Refugees, Relief, and Resettlement: The Early Cold War and Decolonization draws on government files, refugee agency reports, and myriad other forms of documentation to capture the new challenges faced by those forced to flee their homelands and by

Vestnik arkhivista / Вестник архивиста

Vestnik arkhivista / Вестник архивиста The newsletter includes articles on problems of archives sciences, source studies, studies of early texts, also it publishes archival documents, historical researches on archival materials, reviews of conferences and exhibitions.  

British Library Newspapers, Part VI: Ireland, 1783-1950

British Library Newspapers, Part VI: Ireland, 1783-1950 Part VI adds additional titles published in Ireland in the late eighteenth, across the nineteenth and during the early twentieth centuries. A significant number of these are national publications but many are more regional from cities such as Dublin, Cork and Galway as well as more rural towns

Political Extremism and Radicalism, Part 3: Global Communist and Socialist Movements

Political Extremism and Radicalism, Part 3: Global Communist and Socialist Movements Political Extremism and Radicalism: Global Communist and Socialist Movements provides access to primary sources created by a variety of communist, socialist, and Far-Left groups, and figures across the world’s capitalist nations, as well as materials generated by anti-communist organizations and individuals. Coverage is primarily

Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus Online

Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus Online / Medieval Latin dictionary J. F. Niermeyer’s Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus is a highly practical lexicon, providing researchers, teaching staff and students in the field of Medieval History with concise, essential information. This new online edition, still the “compendious lexicon for rapid information” envisaged by Niermeyer, recreates the second print

Papers of Woodrow Wilson: Digital Edition

Papers of Woodrow Wilson: Digital Edition The ROTUNDA Digital Edition includes the complete contents of the landmark letterpress edition of the papers, with nearly 35,000 documents across 69 volumes. – Publisher

Slavic and Judaica E-Books

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to additional ebook titles from Eastview’s Slavic and Judaica E-Books. Access through the publisher’s website or soon via the Library’s catalog.   Title in Original Title in LC transliteration Україна й українці в пост-імперську добу (1917-1939) Ukraina i ukraintsi v post-impers’ku dobu (1917-1939) Україна в епіцентрі протистояння світових систем

Slavic and Judaica E-Books

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to additional ebook titles from Eastview’s Slavic and Judaica E-Books. Access through the publisher’s website or soon via the Library’s catalog.   Title in Original                        Title in LC transliteration Бабье лето : повести после концасвета Bab’e leto : povesti posle kontsasveta Мышь Mysh’ Цифры TSifry Новый Браунинг Novyi Brauning

Latin American Transport Studies

Latin American Transport Studies LATS aims at providing useful insights into solving Latin American transport-related issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. – Publisher

Pharmacological Research – Natural Products

Pharmacological Research – Natural Products The journal scope covers all fields of pharmacology and toxicology (experimental and clinical), pharmacognosy, ethnopharmacology, and phytochemistry of natural products. – Publisher

Progress in Economic Geography

Progress in Economic Geography Progress in Economic Geography (PEG) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, international journal aiming at advancing economic geography in a broad sense, by providing publication space for new perspectives, concerning topics, methods and theories and concepts. – Publisher