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Tim Hagan

Nature Computational Science

Nature Computational Science Nature Computational Science focuses on the development and use of computational techniques and mathematical models, as well as their application to address complex problems across a range of scientific disciplines. The main goal of the journal is to foster multidisciplinary research and the cross-disciplinary application of new computational techniques. – Publisher

Contemporary British History

Contemporary British History The research articles published in Contemporary British History are diverse in their approach to the past. Alongside detailed archival case studies, we publish theoretical and methodological reflections on the nature of the field, work on teaching contemporary British history, and analyses of the politics and public resonance of writing history. – Publisher

Amnesty International Archives

Amnesty International Archives: A Global Movement for Human Rights Amnesty International Archives: A Global Movement for Human Rights publishes the records of Amnesty International from the second half of the twentieth century. The material contains minutes, reports, correspondence, first-hand accounts, publicity materials and circulars relating to human rights violations of all kinds in all parts

The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology and the Law

The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology and the Law In this book, eminent scholars from varied disciplines detail how developmental science and the law shape one another across the lifespan. The chapters address fundamental questions about how human development influences laws and practices in the legal system and how the law and its practices influence

U.S. Foreign Policy in the Carter Years, 1977-1981: Highest-Level Memos to the President

U.S. Foreign Policy in the Carter Years, 1977-1981: Highest-Level Memos to the President This collection features every declassified daily or weekly memo to President Carter from National Security Advisor Brzezinski and from Secretaries of State Vance and Muskie; as well as every available meeting record of the National Security Council’s two subgroups – the Policy

Additional America’s Historical Newspapers Titles

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to additional content in Newsbank’s America’s Historical Newspapers. Content from other online providers may also be available. See NUsearch for complete access. Cincinnati Post (Cincinnati, Ohio) – new content: 1991-2007; full content 1882-1990 Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) – new content 2004-2018; full content 1871-2018 Daytona Beach News-Journal (Daytona Beach,

The Selected Papers of John Jay: Digital Edition

The Selected Papers of John Jay: Digital Edition John Jay’s accomplishments span pre- and post-Revolutionary history and extend into all three branches of government. Jay was a major contributor to the Federalist Papers, negotiated the ultimately controversial 1794 Jay Treaty with Great Britain, and even served two terms as the governor of New York, but

Built Environment

Built Environment Built Environment has an emphasis on crossing disciplinary boundaries and providing global perspective, each issue focuses on a single subject of contemporary interest to practitioners, academics and students working in a wide range of disciplines. Issues are guest-edited by established international experts who not only commission contributions, but also oversee the peer-reviewing process

New title and additional content for ProQuest Historical Newspapers

Northwestern University Libraries now have access to the following new and additional content of African American historical newspapers. Louisville Defender – 1951-2010 Baltimore Afro-American – additional content 1989-2010 (full coverage 1893-2010) Cleveland Call and Post – additional content 1992-2010 (full coverage 1934-2010) Los Angeles Sentinel – additional content 2006-2010 (full coverage 1934-2010) New York Amsterdam

Mass Observation Project, 1981-2009: Module III, 2000s

Mass Observation Project, 1981-2009: Module III, 2000s In addition to Module I, 1980s and Module II, 1990s, Northwestern University Libraries now have access to Module III, 2000s of the Mass Observation Project. Launched in 1981 by the University of Sussex as a rebirth of the original 1937 Mass Observation, its aim was to document the


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