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Web of Science XML Archive

Web of Science XML Archive (Log in with netid and password.)

Web of Science Core Collection includes reliable, complete metadata from over 12,500 high-quality journals from around the world, in over 250 science/social science/humanities disciplines. Conference proceedings and book data are also available. Data are available back to 1900 and include over 63 million article records and 1 billion cited references to date.

A custom or raw data set from Web of Science provides a complete view of the most influential research in your field. Because of key differences in the way Web of Science is built, you will not only be able to trust the data you are using but you will also uncover research you may not have been able to find before. With a custom or raw data set from Web of Science, you will have access to a full and unique retrospective view of the foundations of current science, back to the year 1900, and the ability to follow the complete thread of scientific discovery and advancement. – Publisher