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Demokratychna Ukraina Digital Archive

Demokratychna Ukraina Digital Archive / Демократична Україна

Established initially as a Russian-language daily newspaper in the early 20th century, Demokratychna Ukraina (Демократична Україна, Democratic Ukraine) underwent dramatic transformation in the wake of the August 1991 coup attempt against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. In addition to changing the name of the newspaper, Demokratychna Ukraina began publishing in Ukrainian and altered its editorial policies to allow and, in fact, encourage a new kind of journalism that valued democratic ideas and ideals. Over the years, building upon its Soviet-era reputation as a solid news outlet, the newspaper would grow to become one of the most important print media in the newly independent Ukraine. After a tumultuous financial period and dwindling subscriptions, Demokratychna Ukraina suspended publication in 2017 before starting again as a weekly publication in 2018, only to be suspended again in 2020. – Publisher