05/18: Or Landesberg

Horospherically invariant measures on geometrically infinite quotients

Abstract: We consider a locally finite (Radon) measure on \mathrm{SO}^+(d,1)/\Gamma invariant under a horospherical subgroup of \mathrm{SO}^+(d,1)/\Gamma where \Gamma is a discrete, but not necessarily geometrically finite, subgroup. We show that whenever the measure does not admit any additional invariance properties then it must be supported on a set of points with geometrically degenerate trajectories under the corresponding contracting 1-parameter diagonalizable flow (geodesic flow). We deduce measure classification results. One such result in the context of finitely generated Kleinian groups in \mathrm{PSL}(2, \mathbb{C}) will be highlighted. Most of the talk will be based on joint work with Elon Lindenstrauss.

05/11: Sebastian Hurtado

Random walks by homeomorphisms on the line and left-orderability of lattices

Abstract: The standard random walk in the integers is known to be recurrent, it passes through every integer infinitely many times. We will discuss a generalization of this theorem for random walks given by random composition of homeomorphisms of the line (due to Deroin-Navas-Kleptsyn-Parwani) and some applications of this theorem to the theory of left–orderable groups. Our main result is that a lattice in a real semi-simple Lie group of higher rank and finite center is not a left–orderable group (equivalently, every action of such lattice in the line by homeomorphisms is trivial), a conjecture due to Witte-Morris and Ghys.  (Joint work with Bertrand Deroin).



04/13: Cagri Sert

Extremal behaviour and spectral radius of random products of matrices

Abstract: I will survey some recent progress on random matrix products theory. In a first part, I will talk about some rigidity phenomenon for the laws of random products exhibiting an extremal behaviour (e.g. fastest possible norm growth). In a second part, I will focus on spectral radius of random products and mention two recent limit theorems: law of large numbers (without irreducibility condition), and for rank one groups, large deviation principle.

Based on joint works with Richard Aoun, Jairo Bochi, Emmanuel Breuillard and Alessandro Sisto.
