John Reynolds and unknown artist, The Triumphs of God’s Revenge […] (London: Printed for R. Gosling, and Sold by J. Osborn, 1726), 154 (excerpt).
The Triumphs of God’s Revenge against the Crying and Execrable Sin of Murther.
A Spanish History.
History XII. [History 12/30]
Albemare causeth Pedro and Leonardo to murther Baretano; and he after marrieth Clara, whom Baretano first sought to marry, he causeth his man Valerio to poyson Pedro in Prison; and by a Letter which Leonardo sent him, Clara perceives that her Husband Albemare had hired and causeth Pedro and Leonardo to murther her first Baretano; which Letter she reveals to the Judge; so he is hanged, and likewise Valerio and Leonardo, for these their bloody crimes.