History X Illustration and Summary

John Reynolds and unknown artist, The Triumphs of God’s Revenge […] (London: Printed for R. Gosling, and Sold by J. Osborn, 1726), 119 (excerpt).

The Triumph of God’s Revenge against the Crying and Execrable Sin of Murther.
An Italian History.
History X. [History 10/30]
Bertolini seeks Paulina in marriage; but she loves  Sturio, and not himself: he prays her Brother  Brellati,  his dear Friend, to sollicite her for him; which he doth, but cannot prevail: whereupon Bertolini lets fall some disgraceful speeches, both against her Honour, and his Reputation: for which  Brellati  challengeth  the Field of him; where Bertolini kills him, and he flies for the same:  Sturio  seeks to marry her, but his Father will not consent thereunto, and so conveighs him away secretly: for which two disasters, Paulina dies for sorrow.  Sturio  finds out Bertolini, and sends him a Challenge; and having him at his mercy, gives him his life at his request: he afterwards very treacherously kills  Sturio  with a Petronel, in the Street, from a Window: he is taken for this second Murther, his two hands cut off, then beheaded, and his body thrown into the River.