History IX Illustration and Summary

John Reynolds and unknown artist, The Triumphs of God’s Revenge […] (London: Printed for R. Gosling, and Sold by J. Osborn, 1726), 104 (excerpt).

God’s Revenge against the Crying and Execrable Sin of Murther.
An Italian History.
History IX. [History 9/30]
Jacomo de  Castelnovo lustfully falls in love with his Daughter in Law Perina, his own Son Francisco de  Castelnovo’s  Wife; whom to enjoy, he  causeth  Jerantha  first to poyson his own Lady Fidelia, and then his said Son Francisco de  Castelnovo; in revenge whereof, Perina treacherously  murdereth  him in his bed.  Jerantha  ready to die in Travel of Child  confesseth  her two  murthers, for the which she is hanged and burnt. Perina hath her right hand cut off, and is condemned to perpetual imprisonment, where she sorrowfully dies.