Quantum information processing has spurred interest in quantum optimal control for tasks such as state preparation, erro...
Read MoreDecoherence errors, caused by the interaction of quantum systems with their environment, pose a major challenge for the ...
Read MoreNew arXiv Preprint: Completely Positive Map for Noisy Driven Quantum Systems Derived by Keldysh Expansion
Together with theory collaborators from UChicago we analyze driven quantum systems subject to non-Markovian noise. These...
Read MoreNew Quantum publication: Simple master equations for describing driven systems subject to classical non-Markovian noise
The use of time-dependent flux is ubiquitous in the context of circuit quantum electrodynamics. It is critical to accur...
Read MoreNew Editor’s Suggestion Phys. Rev. Applied publication: Time-Dependent Magnetic Flux in Devices for Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
Along with coworkers from the Schuster lab at UChicago, we introduce a coupling scheme for low frequency fluxonium qubit...
Read MoreNew PRX QUANTUM Publication: Fast High-Fidelity Gates for Galvanically-Coupled Fluxonium Qubits Using Strong Flux Modulation
We present a formalism to quantize a general superconducting circuit with Josephson junctions. The formalism is amenable...
Read MoreOpen-access publication in New J. Phys.: Computer-aided quantization and numerical analysis of superconducting circuits
Together with theory collaborators from UChicago we analyze driven quantum systems subject to non-Markovian noise. These...
Read MoreNew arXiv preprint: Simple master equations for describing driven systems subject to classical non-Markovian noise
Along with coworkers from the Schuster lab at UChicago, we introduce a coupling scheme for low frequency fluxonium qubit...
Read MoreNew arXiv preprint: Fast high-fidelity gates for galvanically-coupled fluxonium qubits using strong flux modulation
The development of new superconducting circuits and the improvement of existing ones rely on the accurate modeling of sp...
Read MoreNew arXiv preprint: Computer-aided quantization and numerical analysis of superconducting circuits
scqubits is an open-source Python package for simulating and analyzing superconducting circuits. It provides convenient...
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