New Quantum publication: Simple master equations for describing driven systems subject to classical non-Markovian noise

Together with theory collaborators from UChicago we analyze driven quantum systems subject to non-Markovian noise. These systems are typically difficult to model even if the noise is classical. We present a systematic method based on generalized cumulant expansions for deriving a time-local master equation for such systems. This master equation has an intuitive form that directly parallels a standard Lindblad equation, but contains several surprising features: the combination of driving and non-Markovianity results in effective time-dependent dephasing rates that can be negative, and the noise can generate Hamiltonian renormalizations even though it is classical. We analyze in detail the highly relevant case of a Rabi-driven qubit subject to various kinds of non-Markovian noise including 1/f fluctuations, finding an excellent agreement between our master equation and numerically-exact simulations over relevant timescales. The approach outlined here is more accurate than commonly employed phenomenological master equations which ignore the interplay between driving and noise.

The paper can be found here.