
Current Members


Skylar Clark (Soprano)
4th year Rhetoric and Public Culture PhD
Joined the Keynotes in 2021


Jared Fletcher (Bass)
5th year Chemistry
Joined the Keynotes in 2023


Peggy Guo (Alto)
2nd year Physics
Joined the Keynotes in 2022


Janan Hui (Bass/Tenor)
5th year Chemistry
Joined the Keynotes in 2021


Scott Isaacson (Bass/Percussion)
3rd year Chemistry
Joined the Keynotes in 2023


Julia Leet (Tenor/Alto)
2nd year Masters in Marriage & Family Therapy
Joined the Keynotes in 2023

Julia is originally from Columbus, Ohio and studied psychology and Spanish at Kalamazoo College before moving to Chicago. She spends most of her time with her sister and her cat Obi Wan Kenobi, reading outside, watching the same TV shows over and over again, and making seasonal soups.

Emily Mahoney (Alto)
4th year Chemistry
Joined the Keynotes in 2021

Emily is from Cazenovia, a small town in upstate New York that is centered around an even smaller lake. When home she loves to swim, hike, climb and take her dog on walks. Emily attended Rochester institute technology where she earned her bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 2021.


Gideon McFarland (Bass)
2nd year Astronomy
Joined the Keynotes in 2023

“Sorry, can you say that again? I SPACED out! … do you get it? Pretty funny joke right?! (please say yes)”


Kate Peinkofer (Soprano/Alto)
3rd year Chemistry
Joined the Keynotes in 2022

Kate is from Sebastopol, CA and went to Hamilton college for undergrad. She likes to read, hike, and shoot lasers at molecules.


Mariana Reyes Daza (Soprano/Alto)
Mysterious Girl 
Joined the Keynotes in 2022

A third-culture kid with a Colombian passport.


Tayler Scriber (Tenor)
4th year Screen Cultures
Joined Keynotes in 2021

“Powered by GPS, loose leaf tea, and spite.”


Solomon Valore-Caplan(Bass/Percussion)
3rd year Applied Math
Joined the Keynotes in 2022

“It’s been getting a whole lot harder to skeptically ask my teachers when we’re going to use this math in real life”



Congratulations to these graduates that are in greener (and hopefully less cold) pastures!

Alex Chen

Rachel Zhang

Ruthie Dewit

Golden Owens

Max Morrison

Jami Pinter

Sonica Li

Alexandra Brockner

Holly Dayton

Jose L. Quintero

Laura Jeanne Ferdinand

Molly Srour

Michelle Schrier

Evelyn Kreutzer

Megan Hazlett

Caily Bridgeland

Nadine Zaiour

Andrea Isgrò

John Mamish

Nick Frualdo

Sam Hill

Mark Simeon

Marc Warrior

Kat Albrecht

Michelle Ahmed

Amanda Davis-Roca

Shina Aladé

Simona Morochnik

Matt Kweon

Ryan Paull

Neeraja Aravamudan

Ian Aseltine

Sara Asher

Ross Baker

Alaina Baker-Nigh

James Bartolotti

Gayle Bessenoff

Annabeth Biffiger

Christine Billaux

David Carr

Julia Chamberlain

Keri Claiborne

Zachary Cook

Allan Collard-Wexler

Jennifer Danforth

Ryan Eikmeier

Lorelle Falk

Tulia Falleti

Ian Finn

Cecelia J. Gondek

Hans Grimm

Julia Hartmann

Oliver Hayes

Alva Hayslip

Carissa Heath

Peter Hsieh

Ayako Ikehara

Adia Jiang

Francis Jiang

Bob Johnson

Alex Karge

Fumiko Kito

Michael Knudson

Alex Lauderdale

Victor Lee

Kelly Lefler

Yuan Liao

Noah Liebman

Brandy Lipton

Carren Loredo

Sarah MacMillan

Bo Maguire

Eileen Maksym

Anthony Matlis

Saoirse McSharry

Julie Moore

Conal Murray

Gabriella Musacchia

Laura Namy

Michael Nigh

Aaron Oppenheimer

Alan Ortiz

Jeanette Ortiz

April Pan

Ginger Pennington

Craig Peters

Janel Peters

Doug Vander Griend

Alpana Ranade

Bernie Reger

Robert Sandoval

Jen Schoborg

Lisa Sharpe

Jennifer Sosnowski

Brad Stephenson

Sharmila Surianarain

Sara Thomas

Mike Vagnini

Johnny Varelas

Huai-Peng Wang

Logan Wilson

Anne Marie Wissman

Melissa Wu

Bo Zhao

Wei Zhao

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