Goodbye, Dr. Kirinda!
Dr. Viraj Kirinda has accepted a position at Kraton Corporation in Houston. He’s been an awesome mentor and colleague in the lab, and he will be missed!
Dr. Viraj Kirinda has accepted a position at Kraton Corporation in Houston. He’s been an awesome mentor and colleague in the lab, and he will be missed!
Emily received the Weinberg College Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award in recognition of her outstanding undergraduate teaching. Congrats, Emily!
Haley and Julia wrote a Preview for Chem Catalysis highlighting two cool papers on PVC upcycling from the Fieser and McNeil labs as part of a Women in Catalysis special issue. […]
Vivian is one of 8 winners of the 2023 Women Chemists’ Committee Merck Research Award. She’ll present her work at the ACS fall meeting at an award symposium. Congrats, Vivian!
The Kalow lab welcomes two new first-year graduate students! With Ethan Fuller’s arrival, the lab is now 20% Case Western alumni, while Emmanuel Garcia Villatoro joins us from Mexico National […]
For the first time, the Kalow lab held its holiday party during the holiday season! This was only possible due to the excellent planning by our postdocs (thanks, Steven, Young Ju, […]
Christina was nominated as the Lab Safety Star by our safety officers, and Steven was voted Best Lab Citizen!
Dr. Eric Abenojar joins us from Case Western Reserve University as a research associate. We are excited to have you in the lab!
This award recognizes “fundamental research in pure chemistry carried out in North America by young men and women” (more info here). Thank you to ACS for this amazing honor!
Julia gives a seminar on the group’s research for the department. The group made awesome signs!