join the team

Postdoctoral researchers

Currently, only postdoctoral applicants with independent funding or those who are eligible to apply for independent funding (e.g. NIH F32) can be considered. Experience in synthetic organic chemistry and/or polymer chemistry is preferred. Please send Julia a single PDF file with the following:

  1. A cover letter indicating your research interests and motivation for joining the group, and including contact information for 3 references
  2. A current CV including a complete list of publications
  3. A 2-page summary of research accomplishments
  4. Reprints of your most significant publication(s) to date (up to 3)
Graduate students

Prospective graduate students interested in gaining interdisciplinary training in reaction discovery, mechanistic analysis, polymer synthesis, and materials characterization in the dynamic environment of a new lab should apply to the Northwestern Department of Chemistry graduate program

Undergraduate students

Northwestern chemistry majors who have completed the CHEM 210 or 212 sequence and are interested in gaining research experience should contact Julia.

Undergraduates outside Northwestern should apply to one of the following programs and list Prof. Kalow’s lab in their research interests: