
Congrats to Dr. McClure!

Emily defended her PhD to a packed audience! Next, she will be a DOE Clean Energy Innovator Fellow at the Illinois Commerce Commission. Keep an eye out for her work […]

Marnie is a physics and chemistry science teacher at Buckingham Browne & Nichols Middle School in Cambridge, Massachusetts who joins the lab under the Research Experience for Teachers (RET), a […]

Feiyang joins us from Davidson College as a MONET REU student. At Davidson, he works in Prof. Bassil El-Zaatari’s lab, which makes him a Kalow Lab grandchild! Welcome Feiyang!

Congratulations to the second years!

Our second-year students Daniel, Haley, and Jonathan all passed their qualifying exams and are officially PhD candidates! The group went to Stacked & Folded to celebrate. Great work!

Congrats, Dr. Zhang!

Vivian Zhang defended her PhD and will be returning to medical school at Feinberg to become a double doctor! Keep an eye out for one of her projects coming out […]

Double congrats for Dr. Berl!

Alexandra defends her thesis on the photopolymerization of Grignard monomers to make π-conjugated polymers, including her work on N-OEG polymers, which was just published in ACS Macro Lett! In the […]