New paper online at ACS Macro Letters!
Vivian, Joe, Carrie, and Christina worked with the Kulik lab at MIT to accelerate stress relaxation in associative thioester hydrogels using internal catalysis. Check it out in ACS Macro Letters!
Vivian, Joe, Carrie, and Christina worked with the Kulik lab at MIT to accelerate stress relaxation in associative thioester hydrogels using internal catalysis. Check it out in ACS Macro Letters!
Congrats to Daniel, Haley, and Jonathan for giving their third year seminars! Their projects covered a wide swath of Kalow lab research (vitrimers, photoswitchable hydrogels, and photopolymerization).
We continued our tradition of holding a holiday party in February at Wilmette Bowling Center. We learned that Alec is very good at bowling (especially considering he’s only done it […]
Zamira and Jolly join the lab as first-year students. Learn more about them in current members. Welcome to the group!
Jonathan was selected by the lab as the Lab Citizen Star for our biennial award. He was recognized for his commitment to safety and helping others, especially with learning DFT […]
Alec (Jiun-wei) Wu joins the lab as a Post-doc (read more about him in current members). Welcome to the group!
Emily developed a photoredox Diels–Alder polymerization to make an unusual class of sp3-rich ladder polymers. It’s online now in Polymer Chemistry–check it out here! Congrats to Emily, Pradipta, and our collaborators […]
Almost the whole lab came to the Fall ACS meeting in San Francisco! Students gave talks, presented posters, and came to support Julia at her award symposium. We had a […]
Elizabeth Choi and Jolly Patro join the lab as zero-year rotators. Read more about them in current members. Welcome to the group!
Julia is one of 93 early career scientists recognized by the Department of Energy under the Early Career Research Program. This award will fund out efforts to discover new photosensitizers […]