Chris passes his QE!
Chris passes his qualifying exam and celebrates with fruit, cookies, and ice cream. Congrats, Chris!
Chris passes his qualifying exam and celebrates with fruit, cookies, and ice cream. Congrats, Chris!
At the Marple-Schweitzer Lecture, Chris received the award for graduate teaching in a 100-level course, and Joe received the award for graduate teaching in a 200-level course. Congrats!
Congrats to Boyeong on passing her qualifying exam!
The Kalow lab is awarded a NSF CAREER award for the project, “Photocontrolled Dynamic Covalent Crosslinkers for Light-Responsive Polymer Networks” (award abstract: Thanks to NSF for their support! Northwestern article:
The Kalow lab receives support from Northwestern’s Materials Research and Science Engineering Center as part of IRG-1, “Reconfigurable Responses in Mixed-Dimensional Heterojunctions”. We will design photoswitches to reconfigure mixed-dimensional heterojunctions […]
Di and Agnes Thorarinsdottir (Harris Lab) received the inaugural Research Safety Leadership Award during the opening event for RSSI’s Safety Awareness Week. Congrats, Di and thanks for helping keep us […]
We had the annual Kalow lab holiday party at Julia’s house, including a gift exchange (guessing was much more difficult this year), cookie decorating, Kalow lab trivia, Mario Kart, and, […]
Welcome to our newest postdoc, Pradipta Das! Pradipta received her PhD from the University of Arizona, where she performed research with Jón Njarðarson.
The Kalow lab grows again: we welcome two first-year graduate students to the group! Emily joins us from Grinnell College, and Alexandra attended UC-Berkeley.
The Kalow lab gets into the Halloween spirit!