
Chris passes his QE!

Chris passes his qualifying exam and celebrates with fruit, cookies, and ice cream. Congrats, Chris!

Chris and Joe receive teaching awards

At the Marple-Schweitzer Lecture, Chris received the award for graduate teaching in a 100-level course, and Joe received the award for graduate teaching in a 200-level course. Congrats!

The Kalow lab receives the NSF CAREER award!

The Kalow lab is awarded a NSF CAREER award for the project, “Photocontrolled Dynamic Covalent Crosslinkers for Light-Responsive Polymer Networks” (award abstract: Thanks to NSF for their support! Northwestern article:

Kalow lab holiday party

We had the annual Kalow lab holiday party at Julia’s house, including a gift exchange (guessing was much more difficult this year), cookie decorating, Kalow lab trivia, Mario Kart, and, […]

Welcome to our newest postdoc, Pradipta Das! Pradipta received her PhD from the University of Arizona, where she performed research with Jón Njarðarson.

The Kalow lab grows again: we welcome two first-year graduate students to the group! Emily joins us from Grinnell College, and Alexandra attended UC-Berkeley.