
The Kalow lab welcomes Carrie Ou, our newest undergraduate researcher, who will be working with Chris.

We welcome two new first-year students to the group! Vivian rejoins us for the PhD portion of her MSTP program; she completed her undergraduate studies at Columbia and was a […]

The Kalow lab has been awarded a NIH R01 grant from NIGMS, “Development of Photoreversible 4D Cell Culture Technologies“. We are grateful for the support from NIH and for help […]

Group dinner

We had a group dinner at La Macchina Cafe to celebrate Chris and Boyeong passing qualifying exams, and Yan’s upcoming graduation. Yan will be starting grad school at UChicago’s Institute […]

Chris passes his QE!

Chris passes his qualifying exam and celebrates with fruit, cookies, and ice cream. Congrats, Chris!

Chris and Joe receive teaching awards

At the Marple-Schweitzer Lecture, Chris received the award for graduate teaching in a 100-level course, and Joe received the award for graduate teaching in a 200-level course. Congrats!

The Kalow lab receives the NSF CAREER award!

The Kalow lab is awarded a NSF CAREER award for the project, “Photocontrolled Dynamic Covalent Crosslinkers for Light-Responsive Polymer Networks” (award abstract: https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1847948). Thanks to NSF for their support! Northwestern article: https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2019/06/two-young-faculty-members-receive-prestigious-nsf-career-awards