Kalow lab holiday party

We had the annual Kalow lab holiday party at Julia’s house, including a gift exchange (guessing was much more difficult this year), cookie decorating, Kalow lab trivia, Mario Kart, and, […]

Welcome to our newest postdoc, Pradipta Das! Pradipta received her PhD from the University of Arizona, where she performed research with Jón Njarðarson.

The Kalow lab grows again: we welcome two first-year graduate students to the group! Emily joins us from Grinnell College, and Alexandra attended UC-Berkeley.

Bassil El-Zaatari joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher. Bassil received his PhD from the University of Delaware in Prof. Chris Kloxin’s group. Welcome to the group!

The Kalow lab crashes the Wang lab BBQ at Gillson Park. Mitchell shows off his new drone.

Goodbye Alayna

For Alayna’s last day, we had burritos on the lakefront. Burritos not shown because we ate them. Great work this summer and we hope to see you again!

Emily McClure joins the group as an incoming grad student for the summer from Grinnell. Welcome!