In addition to publishing on international regime complexity as a theoretical matter, my work on global capitalism and law explains how global economic law is a regime complex that includes multilateral institutions, bi-lateral agreements and private contracting. I have also investigated how international legal systems are (sometimes) part of a regime complex. Work in progress investigates how adding institutions that address global health has impacted the World Health Organization, and how global institutions regulating trade and money impact each other.
Select publications
The Promise and Perils of Theorizing International Regime Complexity in an Evolving World, Review of International Organization 17(2): 375-96. 2022
“Comprehending Global Governance: International Regime Complexity v. Global Constitutionalism“, Global Constitutionalism 9 (2) 413-423. 2020
The Rise of International Regime Complexity, with Kal Raustiala. Annual Review of Law and Social Sciences, 14:18.1–18.21, 2018.